
Oct 06, 2009 19:11

Title: Shameless
Author: dee_jaydj
Rating: NC-17. Straight up. 
Pairing: Zack/Alex
POV: Third (Alex-centric)
Summary: It all started as a simple way to get back at Lisa for fucking leaving.
And it went to so much more.
Disclaimer: I do not own All Time Low, nor do I know/own any of it's members. But damn, do I wish this happened. XD
Beta: alifeofourown
Author Notes: Okay. So I'm taking a little tiny break from Under the Impression, 'cause... Well, I was given the idea for this, and i really kinda had to. XD
Enjoy Alex in a dress.

Honestly, the whole situation was entirely Lisa’s fault. If she had just gotten all her shit when she left, Alex wouldn’t have been tempted to grab one of her dresses out of the closet they (technically) shared. He didn’t even look at which one it was. He didn’t fucking care at this point. He just wanted to piss the bitch off.

Alex wasn’t a chick by any means. It didn’t take away any of his fucking masculinity to have a full walk-in closet. It didn’t make him any less of a dude to have a three-way mirror in the back of said closet. He was totally still a guy, even as he let his normal clothes fall to the floor, carefully pulling the smooth red dress over his legs, settling at his torso in a way that was frighteningly comfortable. He shifted a little in place, feeling how the silk slid over his skin, making him shiver slightly.

All he’d planed to do was ruin the dress while wearing it and send pictures to Lisa, but now, looking at the way the red dress clung to his body, forming curves he didn’t even know he had, he couldn’t help but think that it’d be was little worse if he started touching himself in it, because he was still a guy, okay, and being a guy gave him permission to get hard when something was kind of really hot.

His fingers slowly slipped down the front of the dress, brushing across the skin of his shoulders, which were revealed by a goddamn strapless top. He could feel the tense muscles in his stomach as his fingers passed over it. He let out a breathy sort of moan, letting his hand drift farther down, feeling the shape of his hip bones, the feel of the fabric as it rubbed against him.

When he finally got far enough down, his own teasing had turned him into a whimpering mess, and he was more than a little hard. With how eager he was, Alex had managed to completely forget his phone, the pictures he was supposed to be taking.

Despite his craving for release, Alex managed to pace himself, touching himself obscenely through the fabric of the dress. The only thing possibly more obscene than the touching was the moans he could only just hear himself making. His eyes were getting a little strained as he was still trying to see himself in the mirror.

Slowly, painfully slowly, he began to hike up the skirt, ready to fucking get this over with. A foreign noise joined that soft silk passing over skin; the far-away sound of the bedroom door opening.

“Alex, damnit, how many times have we told you to get out of the close-“ Zack’s joking statement was cut short as light flooded into the closet, only to be blocked partially by Zack’s shadow. The brunette turned slowly on the spot, mouth open to explain, hand still half-hovering over the hem of the mid-thigh dress.

“Z-Zack, I… I can explain I…” he said, only to realize that no, he really couldn’t.

The need to explain was apparently uncalled for, because in one too-quick moment, Alex’s back was slammed up against the mirror, gasping for breath uselessly. He was denied the right to move by the strong grip Zack had taken on his wrists, holding them in place with one hand just above Alex’s head while his other hand held firmly to his dress-clad hips. The hold was almost strong enough to send a wave of fear through Alex’s stomach.


“Whatever the fuck is going on, I don’t care,” Zack growled under his breath, “because damnit Alex, you look so fucking sexy right now.”

The words sent a rush through the smaller man. Once more, he made a weak attempt to respond, and once again he was stopped. This time, the cause was Zack’s lips, eager and hard against his own. Every touch was searing and left Alex’s skin burning wherever it touched Zack’s.

The hand on his hip left with a whine of protest from Alex, silenced by the intrusion of Zack’s tongue in his mouth. There was the muffled sound of clothes dropping, a belt jangling against the floor, and oh god yes.

Zack’s free hand roughly pulled up the skirt of Alex’s dress, pooling around his waist haphazardly. Zack’s intentions were more than clear, and Alex was more than happy to go along with it. In fact, he let out a little moan in the kiss, lifting his hips eagerly. Zack broke the kiss with a weak sort of chuckle, gripping Alex’s left thigh roughly, dragging the dress up around his waist.

“You’re such a pretty little cock slut, aren’t you,” he purred in an almost animalistic manner that was bordering on a growl.

Alex nodded a little, grinding his hips forward into Zack. “Fuck, yes Zack,” he panted, and holy shit was it true. He wanted it. Fuck shame. He wanted this, and if it meant he had to beg, damnit he would. Fuck. Shame.

Zack’s mouth has occupied itself with Alex’s neck, biting and sucking at random points as it left marks that would last for days. Alex moaned desperately, rolling his hips up once more. Zack grunted a little in response, tightening both hands to a point that was almost painful and oh god did Alex love it.

Alex could feel the tension of the situation as it elevated. The head of Zack’s erection was pressed against Alex’s entrance. His breath caught in his throat, almost freezing. No preparation. No lube. Nothing.

“Tell me you want it,” Zack muttered huskily into Alex’s ear, and Alex could feel the other’s lips trembling against his skin.

“I… fuck, I want it to bad,” Alex finally choked out pitifully. He couldn’t even think straight anymore. His body was tense with anticipation and another of Zack’s devilish little laughs nearly killed him.

“That’s a good little slut,” he teased weakly before Alex was hit with an agonizing sort of pain, crying out sharply and throwing his head back against the mirror. Zack knew better than to keep going, panting hard against Alex’s neck. God, he fucking bottomed out on the first thrust…

After what felt like much too long for either of them to hold out, Alex finally let out a weak squeak of sorts, nodding. That was all it took for Zack to continue. It wasn’t exactly less painful, but it wasn’t bad.

Maybe Alex was sort of a little bit masochistic. It was good pain.

Zack thrust slowly at first into Alex, being slightly more cautious. That was more like the Zack Alex knew, but that’s not to say he didn’t love this rough side of him.

Slowly, the pace Zack erratically maintained broke a little quicker, eliciting frantic moans from Alex. His body rocked against Alex, pressing him even harder against the mirror, but Alex didn’t even notice. He was too focused on the feeling of Zack moving within him.

It didn’t take long for both boys to come close to falling over the edge. Zack’s thrusts turned jerky and lacked rhythm and Alex was no longer coherent, spouting off unintelligible obscenities and taking the names of various deities in vain. It didn’t surprise Alex one bit that Zack was quiet, not at all.

Zack was also the first one to finish. Letting out a gasp of Alex’s name, he released inside him, riding out the orgasm with slow, unsteady thrusts.

Lights flashed before Alex’s eyes as he followed after.


Slowly, the boy’s eyes fluttered open, faced with the image of a panting, sweaty brunette on his knees, eyes wide and pupils dilated. He could see that his frame was trembling all over.

It took a full four minutes before Alex realized what he was looking at. He was staring into the face of his reflection, still on his closet floor. His hand felt uncomfortable stick, as well as the rest of his sweat-coated body.

He swore loudly in defeat, feeling rather stupid.

It felt so fucking real.

Shakily, Alex got to his feet, pulling off the ruined dress slowly. He almost didn’t want to take it off.

After the tedious job of cleaning himself off, Alex walked back into his bedroom, sitting down carefully at the edge of his bed.

He wondered what other clothes of Lisa’s were lying around…

oneshot, rating: nc-17, author: dee_jaydj, pairing: alex gaskarth/zack merrick

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