Jul 28, 2004 17:24
For the first time in.....ummmm.....FOREVER.....I feel good. I don't have a headache. I'm not sick-feeling...or sad....or anything negative. Well, I'm a little crampy, but that's because I just started the birth control shot. I've gained 3lbs in 2 weeks. I hope this isn't going to be a habitual thing. Anyways! Something happened today that I found quite amusing so I decided to share it with LJ. (hehehe...there's a guy that Katy and I know that goes by LJ for Little Jimmie. How funny.) Ok. In one of my previous entries I wrote about a stalker. Well, today my phone rang so Katy answered it so I wouldn't have to talk to him. The guy asked for me so Katy asked who it was. The guy ignored her question and asked for me again so she told him that I wasn't there. Ugh. For about 10min afterwards she went all off about how crazy this guy is. I got to work later and checked my email. I had a message from one of my guy friends. He was the one that had called. LOL. But I don't understand why he didn't tell her who he was. So we made a big deal out of nothing, and I didn't get to talk to this totally cute friend of mine. hehehe. I need to get caller ID ASAP. But I couldn't afford it for my first month's bill. They wanted $25 for caller ID and 3-way! Utility companies are absolutely robbing us all! But anyways...I'll get it next month so that way I can know who's calling before I answer. HAHAHA. No more stalker-accepted phone calls. I think I have the most awesome mom around. hehehe. I mean...she totally annoys me...which is normal for your own mother...but she has helped me out so much with this huge transition in my life. I didn't have enough money to buy more groceries with so she bought me some today. And for those of you who don't know my mom...this a big ordeal. She is a very greedy person when it comes to money. But then again...I think it has alot to do with her grandchild. Oh yeah...and I think Katy may be getting that job that she applied for. Yeay! I gotta go now. I think that I have said enough for the week! Wait. NO. Because I know something totally dramatic will probably happen to me before next week so you'll all probably hear about some other crazy stuff. hehehe. I love all of my peeps. Wow. I'm so naturally happy it scares me. Did someone slip me something in my sleep? LOL. Bye guys.