Soyons Amoureux

Feb 11, 2017 06:05

i'm fine                                                                     i'm just cold
          please help me                                                                                                                                               please put your ams around me

i'm just tired                  i already ate
                                  i Can't take this anymore        not feeling hungry

i'm better i promise never felt so bad before

you can go, don't worry
                                             show me you care enough to stay

i'm okay
                                                this is

The flowers were carefully chosen
and woven into her long flowy dress
decorated with sunshine's golden rays
leaving sweet scent and warmth on the trails of her caress
Everywhere the girl went
she chased away the loneliness
out of every dark room
she ousted the sadness

A frozen heart she knew to thaw
she smilled and painted with bright colours
the sky that no one really saw
the night had changed to day
that seemed enough to be in awe
a world that snatches what it receives
reality that really is a flaw

No one thought to appreciate her
for the warmth on their skin
for the comfort of her smiles
for the protection she wove
for the demons she chased away
for the parts of her she gave away
for her heart her treasure trove
for the company she gave for miles
for the support that made them win

So she thought she was not needed
she could leave and they would not care
but she was just taken for granted
for light was always there
because you never thank the ground
until you know how it feels to fall
and you never express how much you need the sun
until it fails to rise at all.

And then she understood -

When they ask you if you are okay - they dont expect you to say no
                                                          so you must just smile and nod
                                                          while thoughts of jumping off a  building riot your mind

When they ask you if you need help with anything - what they have in mind is simply solved stuff
                                                                                   like project assistance and shopping guide
                                                                                   they don't want to touch your 3 am haunting demons

When they say they are always there for you - they mean if you need a ride home
                                                                          or if you need someone to hang out with
                                                                          they don't expect to be there when it feels like your world is crashing.

When they say you are too good for them - they acknowledge your goodness
                                                                     they appreciate what you have given
                                                                     but they need something better and that is definitely not you

And just this one time , when she gave her all , completely ,
when she opened her heart to love you when it was already broken
when she was brave enough to risk having her life shattered
she hoped you would understand that there is always -

some truth behind her ' just kidding '
some emotions behind her ' i don't care '
some pain behind her ' it's okay '
some knowing behind her ' I don't know '.

And just this one time , when she gave her all , completely
she hoped she was special and unforgettable
she hoped life didnt prove it was all about learning to say a better good bye
she hoped you would stay around to hold her and say ' I Know You '. And mean it.

But reality is flawed and pain is meant to be revisited

( This is my entry for Week 8 of LJ Idol where the prompt given to us was " No Comments ". I have used the prompt to comment on how we tend to walk the same path and talk the same words when it comes to love even when we know the end result is pain. We hope that the memories ae worth the pain ... But really is it ever so .... No Comments !!!

Concrits and comments are ever so appreciated )
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