Oct 03, 2007 15:52
So i promised some people that i would blog over the weekend and i never quite got around to it. it was a very busy weekend.
I'm typing this from my new home where i live with Zach and Brooklynn.
Over the weekend I moved in with him because i got a letter saying that Brooklynn was only insured for the 1st month so what's the point in me waiting a whole other month so live here? so i moved out, and i'm loving it.
Today i got SO much cleaning done. I cleaned her room, the living room, the old roommates' bathroom. omg it was gross, but it's clean now *whew* and i did dishes and scrubbed the kitchen, and even took those little rings off of the stove and they are currently soaking in the sink so i can scrub them later. I was able to do all this thanks to Brookly'nn now almost 3 hour nap. It took her a couple days to get used to things being different, but now that we've been here for about 4 or 5 days she's finally used to it enough that she's not fighting to be awake ALL day long and can just sleep for several hours a day. and i LOVE that. lol. and i don't even have to hold her the entire time. she had that stage for the first couple days, where she'd finally pass out from exhaustion, but then as soon as you put her down she was up. lol.
So another reason my schedule was busy last weekend: I went to UCMT to try and see what I have to do to enroll. I promised myself i wouldn't let having a baby keep me from doing things. I want to keep my life going, and college is included in that. I want to do something so that I can work part time hours on full time pay, and enjoy it so that I can spend free time with my daughter and soon to be husband. Massage therapy sounds like that thing for me. I would love to do that. I looked into it a couple years ago, but just couldn't find the time. And we finally have the time in January. yay. lol. Now i'm not sure if we have the money. It's $12,000 without any grants or anything. The financial aid lady will be in touch with me on the 10th so that we can find out what financial aid i can apply for and see how much it will really cost me. Then i'll probably have to take out a loan of some sort. But for now i'll be at wendy's full time, which has tuition reimbursement, so maybe i could get reimbursed for it? lol.
Speaking of Wendy's. I went back to work today. I did my orientation at 7:30 this morning and I work from 6-11 tonight. I'm a little bit excited to be back, but at the same time, still dreading it. being home with my little girl has been the best thing in the world. i wish we could afford for me not to have to work, but right now i know that me being a full time stay at home mom is not an option. and i hate missing that time with my family. for the next couple months i'll hardly see zach. he'll work M-F at accent doors and trim from 8am-5pm and then i'll work at wendy's 6pm-2am so we'll be home at the same time a total of 7 hours, minus travel time so more like 6 and we'll both be asleep. and hten in january, i'll replace my evening hours with school from 7:00 pm -10:30pm. and i'll keep working weekends.
There's too many bills for me to stay home. I figured out that my medical bills total about $1900. i still owe just over $1600. Then we just borrowed $760 from my mom in the last 2 months, which i HATE because we JUST got out of debt. god damn it. it's not the best timing to hop back into debt. i hate it. i didn't owe her anything but my car, and now i do again. grrr.
I have $5,215.10 total in debt. including my car and medical bills. divided by 3 years to pay it all off, and that's still $144 a month. and THEN i'm goig to add school to that. But once i get out of school, i'll make alot better money, and i'll be able to be home more. so hopefully throwing us this far into debt for 1 year will be worth it in the end. because hopefully after that year i can be licensed and working at a chiropractors office or at a spa or something. I'm nervous about doing it now, but i feel like i need to, for me. is that selfish? throwing zach and i both into debt just so that i can get licensed?
I miss my Karrie! It's just been a week I know, but i've gotten used to her company and I miss her. And even more so, i miss my sister; I miss Jen. I talk to her everyday, but it's still not the same. I can't show up and eat popcorn with her. or sit with my nieces and watch movies. i know I can with my daughter, but that doesn't mean i don't miss the girls. my daughter didn't take their place in my heart, they have their own special place.
Well i need to go wake Brooklynn up so that she can eat before we got pick up zach from work. But thank you all for reading. I haven't blogged much lately, but it really does help me when i can. it's my 15 minutes to myself. Zach will watch her so I can shower, but I don't feel right asking him to watch her so i can blog. lol.
ok, really going now. thank you all!
♥ stephanie