hey you guys remember when i was an angsty teenager...and wrote how everything sucked and i hated everyone in here everyday?....well i didnt...then i went back and read a bunch of really old journal entrys...i was kind of a jackass....but more interesting than those old entrys...was the old comments i read....id forgotten who...and more importantly
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I have a myspace but I never ever update it. I think the url is myspace.com/thebigcomedown. I have a Twitter account, too, under the same name. No Facebook. I tried to sign up for it once and it wouldn't let me because my college wasn't prestigious enough, so fuck them. My grandma has a Facebook and is always trying to get me to sign up because she wants to "write on my wall." I'm like, g-ma, come visit me and you can write all over my walls in my apartment! She came to see me like 5 times when I was in NY and now that I'm like a short drive away - nothin'. Oh well. I wouldn't visit me in Chicago, either.
you have to explain this to me
and theres really nothing boring sounding about your life actually
what do you do at the design firm?
i havent been doing anything really good for myself...i dunno
i got stuck in a rut as a teenager and never really got all the way back out....fucking lame
your college wasnt prestigious enough?>? what?!??
i tryed living in new york for a minute....it didnt work
unfortunitly im living in boise idaho right now....and im going to split the first chance i get
I know what you mean about getting stuck in a rut. I really want to go back to college but I'm also kind of afraid to but it doesn't matter because I can't afford it anyway.
Hah in regards to the Facebook thing, when I tried to sign up Facebook was still just for college kids, but I was a college kid so I was like sure whatever I'll do this thing...but it wouldn't accept Macomb as a university (even though it is!) so I have a grudge against Facebook now. I don't do a lot of this social networking thing anyway, it would just be really outdated. I think my Myspace says I still live in New York.
How did you wind up in Idaho?
yea a washer and dryer are a plus though....for sure
well fuck facebook anyway
i ended up in idaho because a suck at life basically
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