Jun 02, 2008 22:38
hey you guys remember when i was an angsty teenager...and wrote how everything sucked and i hated everyone in here everyday?....well i didnt...then i went back and read a bunch of really old journal entrys...i was kind of a jackass....but more interesting than those old entrys...was the old comments i read....id forgotten who...and more importantly...how much i talked to and hung out with all these other people ive totally lost all contact with.....im not very cool with that....i miss alot of you now that i look back....freindsssss....MEMORYYYYYYYYS....where the fuck have you all gone....where have i gone....thats growing up i suppose...growing up out and apart....well shit....if any of you are still on here....or rather even still read this.....get at me....i miss you all....peace...love..and hope lifes not battering you around to much....me....sucka