yesterday was a funnn day. it was my first time to la ropa. it is like they say.. a huge mountain of clothes that you can just climb. it's pretty crazy. i got two new skirts and a shirt. after all the digging and junk. it was wayyy hot though, cause we went kinda late. then we went to the mall... which was fun too. did you know that you can't take pictures at flipside? kinda odd.. then we went to the real flipside on pecan. and that was way fun too. got me a shirt there with cute parachutes and tonito bought a three dollar shirt, lol. then we went to go get raspas. and all 7 of us mushed into my car cause it was too freakin' hot. then we went to hedna's house and straightened tony's super curly hair. lmao. too funny. well i'll just let the pictures speak for themselves.
the people there were like cracking up at us cause we were taking pictures at the ropa, lmao.
eww, tony.
a bit blurry, but pretty cool nonetheless.
tony with pimp glasses at the mall.
and adriana with pimp glasses. lol
at flipside.
and after:
a really fun day. i love 'em.
i'm supposed to go swimming later. fun. haven't swam since the philippines. it should be good. okay, write again soon.
sorry this doesn't have a cut, i was too lazy to figure out the new cut stuff on rich text. : ]