Sep 24, 2012 10:43
I had a strange dream before waking up this morning. Graham and I were with the guys and playing a bizarre card game called "[Something something] reverse [something something]". The "reverse" is the only part I remember because it was the only thing that made sense to me in the dream: it meant that traditional playing card values were reversed, so a two was the strongest for example.
The problem was that most of the cards weren't even proper playing cards. They had little pictures on them, sometimes with text, and some of them were really bizarre, like a stylised drawing of half a naked body. They also came in two sizes, normal and small. I was completely clueless about what to do with any of them. Graham told me to show my cards, so I laid them all out on the table. I looked at what he was doing on his turn, but to be honest it looked like he was playing Solitaire or something! It made no sense to me.
When it was my turn, I just threw my hands up and said: "I don't even know what some of these are good for! You haven't explained this properly." "These are for energy," Graham replied. "Energy?" I yelled. "You haven't even mentioned energy!" I tried to shuffle my cards around a bit in a Solitaire-like fashion like I had seen Graham do, but it made no sense. I think my turn was passed over somehow, because suddenly Graham was sitting opposite me, with his cards laid out in front of him and two pieces of string on the table whose ends pointed at one of his and one of my cards each. I was asked which one of my cards the blue string connected to, because apparently this was relevant somehow. I replied dutifully but was still confused as ever.
Soon it was my turn again and I was growing increasingly frustrated. "I clearly didn't explain this properly," Graham admitted, but at the same time he made no effort to actually rectify that. Instead he just said "I'm not saying anything" and gave me expectant looks as if I was supposed to figure it all out on my own any moment. The last thing I remember is me staring at my cards in massive frustration, while everyone else gave me half-annoyed, half-pitiful looks. Why was I holding up their game by being so stupid? Clearly it was all very obvious and why hadn't I picked up on how it worked yet? Then I woke up, thank god.
Not sure what it all meant, but I can guess why I dreamed about card games as I was briefly reminded of Magic: The Gathering before bedtime, and that's a game Graham and the guys love to play that I find too complex for my liking too.