A Saturday

Jul 29, 2012 01:02

I only sort of watched the opening ceremony of the Olympics yesterday. I wasn't going to watch it at all, but Graham put the BBC livestream up on his PC and it was hard not to turn around every now and then in response to the gleeful cries of: "Oh my god, it's James Bond!" "Oh my god, it's the Queen!" "Oh my god, they are getting on a helicopter!" "Oh my god, they are parachuting down into the stadium!" As a casual observer I thought that the whole thing was both very grandiose and slightly baffling if you didn't know what it was all about.

This morning I had to get up early for work. Just before my alarm went off I was having a dream about roleplaying. In it, we were playing some sort of sci-fi game, and I was both frustrated and confused by it for some reason. When I asked what some made-up word meant, I was told that it was "obviously" the name of a spaceship and that I should be paying more attention. In the end I got so put off that I just sat down on the sofa and leafed through a book instead of participating in the game. Occasionally I also looked out of the window and saw that it was raining. Doesn't sound like much, but for some reason I felt very sad and lonely during this dream and the feeling lingered even after I got out of bed. I knew that it wasn't going to be a great day then.

Checking my mail and social networks in the morning, I was sadly reminded that some people that I think are very cool don't actually care about me in the slightest (anymore). Cue more emoness.

Work didn't help my mood when I got an angry customer call early in the morning, and then proceeded to do things like jam my finger in a trolley system and smack a suitcase lid in my face (by accident obviously).

I thought that the one good thing that happened today was that we finally bought a new television. Our old one had slowly been dying for a while now, with reception constantly breaking up or the whole thing just blanking out altogether and needing to be turned on and off again repeatedly to show anything at all. It didn't really affect me as I don't watch much tv, but Graham was finding himself increasingly frustrated by it.

However, I have to admit that my happiness over Graham's relief was fairly short-lived, as he then kept the television on all afternoon and evening, driving me slightly up the wall as I just wanted some peace and quiet to read and write. Hopefully we'll be able to negotiate some kind of agreement for tv use so I don't go mad from noise pollution (since our flat is so small, even going to another room and closing the door only has a limited effect).

news, work, household, rants, dreams, relationshippy, tv

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