KANJANI∞ Sendai 8UPPERS - personal report

Jan 06, 2011 16:41

PERSONAL REPORT on Kanjani8 Sendai Concert 2010


So, as some of you may already know me and my sister (we're from Sweden btw) have written one report before regarding NEWS' latest concert. Well, we have gone once again but this time for Kanjani8!
During the NEWS concert Ryo and maybe Yamapi were the only ones truly acknowledging us, but this time almost all Kanjani-members did! With this I mean somehow making contact with us.

First I should begin with saying that we two became members of the fanclub, but we didn't actually manage to become memebers before the deadline for the Kanjani-tickets already had passed. Though they usually give you a letter asking you if you still want to ballot for tickets even though it's too late, and we did, both of us. Of course. If you don't get the tickets they'll just send you your money back. If not, you get tickets.
Then we had to wait for a loooong time. The tour had already begun so when over a month went by we didn't think we would get any tickets. My sister was the first one to get a letter, a letter that said "take this note to the bank to get back your money". No tickets in other words. Mine didn't come for until the same day that our other sister and dad came to visit us in Japan. Then we saw that I had got tickets for Sendai, one for me and one for my sister! We were really happy that day! Later we also noticed that they were arena tickets. Talk about lucky!

Anyway, now we had to wait again until december the 12th, the day of the concert.

So my sister's boyfriend helped us book shinkansen tickets, which were cheaper than I thought to get there and back again. And now we would also be able to ride the shinkansen.
On the 12th we went according to plan and it took about 1 hour to get there I think. Hehe, we also seemed to be the only foreigners there so people were really looking at us. Especially the fans who noticed we were too going to the Kanjani concert. They were really nice though.
Then we went with a special bus for the people going to the concert and the arena's location was really remote. It felt like we were going to the middle of nowhere.
When we got there there was a lot of people! Haha, and as a sidenote, I was actually stupid enough to think that the arena was a mountain when I only saw the side of it from the bus. My sister said it looked like a fortune cookie. And one more thing, Sendai was freaking cold!
Now we went it line for the goodies and the line was long, but it went surprisingly fast. Though when we were done there was much more people. You see, they had already had one concert before the ones we were going to, so now people started to flow out the doors. Literally flowing! Ok, maybe not. Anyway, in Sendai Ryo definitly had the most fans. By far! Second was Ohkura, and then maybe Yoko? Or Maru? Either way, in the beginning we almost only saw uchiwas of Ryo, Yoko and Ohkura. Those three my sister's boyfriend calls Kanjani3. He doesn't acknowledge the rest really. Well, Hina is "proactive guy".

So we now went in line again to get into the arena and it took some time, but once inside we noticed that our seats were close to the main stage since the arena is so small. Our seats were located to the farthest right, right beside the podium they walk on. Right by the fence. Once again lucky!
While I was away searching for the toilet (got escorted by a young good-looking guy) a japanese girl asked exchanged mail address with my sister. She wanted to be friends since she's foreign I guess. But really nice.
Another sidenote; I saw the world longest waiting line for the toilets, I couldn't even see the end!
Then the concert began! First they showed the introduction from the 8UPPERS movie, though slitghtly altrered. Then they got out at the mainstage by slowly being hoist down on that platform-thing (doens't know the word for it). Most already know how the show was put up, it's been written many times before, so I won't go into detail on that. Instead I'll write more specific things we saw.
So anyway, for the whole beggining the were more or less only on the front stage, but we could see them quite clearly so no problem for us. For example we saw while the lights were out Ryo grabbing Ohkura's crotch when he passed by, smirking while doing it.
During the indtroduction Yoko got a lot of "wooo's", so he kept staring back and forth in the camera, earning more "wooo's". He looked so happy and a bit overwhelmed, and he kept giggling! Hina then stopped him by saying he should "say something already!".
We saw the Michael Jackson moves in, I think, 'Animal Magic' which was really cool. They had some problems with the sound during the band songs, like 'LIFE'. 'Jackhammer' was meant to be live! It feels like being at a rock concert when they do that one and 'Misetekure'. Awesome.  I loved the world/nature-themed 'Nakanaide boku no music'-performance, especially since I'm nature-loving. The mesh song that people say is similar to Perfume due to the technoish music and the robotic dance was seriously funny! I heard a lot of "kawaii"'s around me during that performance. The solo's were really great too. Maru and Ohkura sounded great and looked great, even though it was lipsync. By the way, Ohkura was no longer blonde and had some dark colored semi fauxhawk instead. Both looks nice I think. Subaru's and Ryo's song was really great, it felt so 'live' I guess. They had altered the song a bit too from the mp3-version you could get from one of the earlier concerts. In my opinion it sound better, and really liked the old version. Hina and Yoko were also awesome, though they were quite far away. And they sung it nice. "Toppo's" song was funny too, especially when the other memebers came out dressed as Yasu. Epic.
The MC-parts were of course hilarious. Yoko and Subaru went of on the gorilla talk. Maru was to explain about his role in "Gilbert Grape", but the other's butted in all the time and said "gorila". Like Maru said "Gilbert-" and then Subaru said silently "-Gorilla". And they went on like that, the other's denying that someone said gorilla to Maru, throughout the whole MC. Subaru also made some really weird face at one point while sitting squat on the floor. Hina was beside him laughing as hell, and imitaded Subaru's face and the began laughing again like crazy. the other's laughed at this too, and I laughed at it so much. Hina looked so funny! By the way, during the intro people kind of laughed every time Hina's face showed. Don't know why... But well,  it was funny.
Then Maru and Ohkura went of stage, and a "competition" began between Ryo and Yoko - who could get most "kya's" from the audience. It began since Yoko said that it was really super cold in Sendai and said that the audience should dress warm etc. The audience went "kya!". Really cute, though I don't remember clearly, sorry. Anyhow, then Ryo said to the audience to be caredul to not catch a cold, and at this the audience really screamed loud. Yoko now had to beat him! So the competition of who could get the loudest "kya's" began. They screamed all the time at Ryo and went "wooo!" on Yoko, and Yoko's face was so funny when he kept loosing. Poor guy. But at the end he did win one time and then he raised his arm in victory and had that "I'm-the-best-in-the-world"- "look-at-me"-face. Ryo became even more embarrassed and disappeared backstage. Then  Yasu also had to try and get "kya's" from the audience. He failed first a couple of times, but then he got some really loud screams. Yasu is so cute. Though he's usually the one talking the least during MC's I've noticed. The other's pointed this out too. Um, and Maru was on that proactive cm and it was super funny! He sang really good too. I think he was impersobnating someone I forgot the name of. Oh! And the wink-killer game! Maru was the killer but no one caught him so he won, he was sneaky. Since Subaru had teased him he was put in the middle and had to carry a lot of weight. Poor guy, hehe. They fell sometimes and at one point I think Subaru managed to hit Ryo's crotch who scrambled away. At first I was like "Did he get hit between his legs just now?". He looked kind of funny, a bit in pain? Then he said that he got hit by Subaru by accident.
More things happaned but I can't remember everything while writing this. But we all know, they're SUPER FUNNY.

Back to our seats. So, we were SUPER close! But the podium was quite high so if they were to see us they had to look straight down, which they don't do often. But as long as we could see them clearly it was fine. We were so close you could see every hair on their arms and birthmarks, haha. It feels kind of unreal to see them in person like that, so close. Faces you've seen so many times before now in 4D! XD
Well,  what can we say? They're all really good looking, and frankly I was quite shocked to discover that Subaru is really handsome. I like him and all that but have never found him all that attractive, but live they all look good.
Mmm... They also stopped by many times and just stood there in front of us because of their positions during some performances. E.g. during 'Aoi shashin'  at the end Hina were right in front of us. So just for fun I fake-threw my penlight at him, I just felt like it when he just stood there. People around me laughed but he didn't notice, which is good I guess.
Those who noticed us at this concert where first Maru. He made faces at my sister and I, for some reason, made faces at him. So we got eyecontact. He's really funny. And handsome... Really.
Yasu saw us too. He was just walking away when he looked down and saw us, smiling at us.
The at the very end, when they came out for the last time, Ryo passed us and saw us. He bend down a bit and waved with both his hands. He said something to us, I could hear his voice but I couldn't make out what. Which really annoys me!! He shouldn't have talked in normal speaking tone when we have screaming girls around us, even though he was close. Hehe, oh well, thank you once again Ryo for saying something to us, whatever it was. It's the third time he's said something to us. XD

Last thing; Kanjani8 was meant to do live!!
(I usually sing along with all their songs... Hehe)
So if you're able to, please go to a concert. It's so worth it!

And 8UPPERS is EPIC. Seriously.

More stuff happened but I can't remember everything and I'm a bit short on time. But if I remember, maybe I'll edit this.
I'll also later post an entry on the two Tokyo Dome concerts, which were also truly epic. And guess what, we got super lucky that time too. Even more lucky than this concert.  ;)

decemberpie, nishikido ryo, yokoyama you, murakami shingo, 8uppers, fanreport, concert, je, yasuda shota, maruyama ryuhei, 2010-2011, kanjani8, shibutani subaru, ohkura tadayoshi, tour

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