NEWS concert 2010 events! - Nishikido Ryo talked to us!

Sep 28, 2010 21:34

Well, so basically my sister (hanashika90 & koyashige90) has already written a bit about this events (and will probably write an even longer later) but I’ve decided to actually write something today! Therefor I’ll tell you some short stuff we’ve experienced during the NEWS Tokyo Dome concerts 2010!

We went to three out of the total four cons they held in Tokyo, on the 25th, 27th and the 28th. Since there’s so many people who’s already written reports I won’t do that, but some things are inevitable to mention.

♥ NEWS concert TOUR 2010 - LIVE! LIVE! LIVE! ♥

So first, the 25th!

This was actually our first big concert ever and of course also our very first JE concert. It was truly amazing and epic! XD
We went with tellytelly, someone who we’ve met through LJ and become friends with. She’s also been to cons before. ^^

Our seats were on the stands, not close but not far either. We could see things well from there.

I think the first con contained a lot of fanservice, such as Ryo nuzzeling Yamapi in ’Weeeek’ and changing his lyrics to ”suki da, suki da”, looking only at Pi. Or Tego kissing Koyama like three times or something. Well, small parts of fanservice popped up everywhere but I guess the most unforgettable one is Ryo on Massu during D.T.F. Most of us already know what happaned but I found it so amusing when I saw it I have to include it.
Anyway, it first almost appeared as if the two groups, ”Pi-Koya-Tego” and  ”Ryo-Mass-Shige”, were competing against each other in fanservice. They showed each group twice and when they showed the ”R-M-S”-group the last time Ryo was cuddeling really close to Massu and buried his face in his neck, he closed his eyes and then began to kiss Massu’s neck/jaw. But it didn’t end there, no Ryo stuck out his tounge and practically made out with Massu’s neck for a short while there. Then he began to laugh, wrinkled his nose, wiped his mouth and then proceeded with wiping Massu with his NEWS-towel. Massu sort of lost his lyrics and only sang that high note in the end.
Another ”amazing” thing is that my sister managed to MISS that part! Really too bad for her, because it was truly epic! XD

The ”closest” we got to them on this con was when Ryo walked by right down in front of where we were seated, he looked up and smiled in our direction. I was looking through my binoculars, it was really nice. But Tego managed to look directly into my binoculars when I was looking at him when he passed us. He was pointing at the crowd and somehow managed to lock his eyes on me for a few seconds and pointed at me. I saw his eyes though he didn’t see mine of course. XD
I got a small shock and sort of fell back, my heart raced a bit there. My sister didn’t understand why I stepped back though. XD

The 27th!

This day we went with tellytelly again and another girl who my sister had talked to trough LJ, fushigi_star1. Though we had different seats. Me and my sister had bought arena tickets for that day but we didn’t know where we would be seated. It turned out we got super lucky spots! Quite close to the center stage and at the side, so we were REALLY close to one of those walking paths that goes out from the middle stage. It was right next to me. ^w^

Anyway, this concert did of course also turn out awesome, and this time we could see them really up close so we didn’t even have to use our binoculars. Didn't use mine even once.

Also since we already had been to one con before we knew what would happen. In the beginning they pop out of big balls and we had one super close and I thought that Ryo would appear there, because he had last time... And of course he did. He made a b-line for the center stage without looking at anyone that time though. But I’ll tell you this, he looks really good! (No surprise though, right?)

Well, during the whole concert ALL of the members did pass this way, though e.g. Shige only passed  us once and he didn’t even look towards our side. ^^’’

Tego though passed us a lot and we got eye contact with him. He also danced a really funny dance right in front of us during ”BE FUNKY!” (he always does). This was a really fun moment, especially when he looked at us (the audience on our side) and smirked like he knew exactly how funny he looked and of course everyone else would love it! :P Anyway, this all happened around 4-5 meters away, so really nice spot!

Koyama also passed us on one or two occasions but he didn’t really look either, I think he saw us but he didn’t really look straight at us or anything.

Massu didn’t look first but then before he went to the center stage he looked back at us, like he was double checking or something. X)

Yamapi also passed us a couple of times and I thought he didn’t look (even though we were super close) but he did apparently also look back like Massu did, but I had already turned my head away at this point. My sister though got eye contact with him. He nodded towards her before going to the center stage too. So he did see us.  :P


The most epic one is of course Ryo. This one was truly amazing.
We didn’t scream out to him or anything, the only thing we did was dancing to the music and waving our stuff (like everyone else). But I had a Ryo uchiwa so I guess he saw that one first or something, because he spotted us. At first I think he was looking at my uchiwa but then he looked up and he looked truly shocked. It was like he was checking our faces many times like "if we were really there" and his smile and eyes grew bigger and bigger. He looked really funny. Didn’t expect foreign fans? XD
Anyway, he stopped and started smiling like crazy and waved at us. It felt a bit weird to get eye contact like that with a person you never thought you would even see IRL. But he really stared at us. We of course waved and smiled back at him. Then he shouted ”Hi!” at us, I could almost not hear him first, but I did catch it so I shouted ”Hi” back. He then began to slowly walk and shouted ”Where are you from?” to us, we both shouted back ”Sweden!” (sue-den) at him. He once again shouted back ”Ah, sou? Sou!” and began waving towards us again. The other members were already on the center stage, preparing for the MC part, so he looked back a couple times, smiled and waved at us while walking up to the others.

It’s quite funny that we had a lot of Ryo fans where we were seated but he totally ignored them. I kind of feel bad for them (not?), but at least we managed to stop him, right? xD
There were also quite many foreigners where we sat, but they were still asian. Guess we stuck out?
It feels great though that HE was the one who decided to take contact and not us. Hehe.

Anyway, the amazing Ryo-event is not over. No, because when they came out for the second time and sang ”Koi no ABO”, he came back and passed us before they went to the main stage to say a final goodbye. He remembered us! This time he stopped for a really short while, but he smiled and waved at us again and said ”Bye bye!”. We answered "Bye bye" back to him, and of course we got eye contact again. It feels weird though now afterwards…

Then he was the last one out that day, and then thanked us all for coming today. But we’ll thank him for deciding to talk to us out of all the 55 000 people in the dome. Maybe a bit of thanks to the magic of the Ryo uchiwa? XD
You get 10 stars! X3 (Or more like a zillion! ♥)

It’s quite funny how once again Tego and Ryo were the ones we got closest too, and of course my sister got eye contact with Pi. Haha, but they have no idea how happy they’ve made us! We never thought we would get to see a concert, even less see them so close. Getting eye contact was out of question and one of them deciding to talk to us? Never!
I guess we really are lucky?

Other things we did that day were punching those balls rolling around over the crowd, getting filmed and catching those falling petal things I guess. ^^
The whole day was actually amazing and we’ll remember this day forever! Now we’ve seen all of NEWS really close (really really close!). ^3^


We went to the last con only just the two of us. We had bought reeeeally cheap tickets so the seats were kind of bad. But we got a nice view of the whole dome and the concert. So now we’ve seen the concert from the arena, the first stands and the highest stands.

When you’re here you won’t get close but it’s still nice. ^^
And the audience is amazing!  :D

We also guess this is the day they filmed for the DVD, because the whole show had less advertising, the MC was longer and everyone talked (though mostly Massu, Shige and then… Ryo?), they screamed more, some parts were changed and some of the performances seemed to have become ”flashier”.
It’s too bad though that some of their voices seemed a bit tired. They sang better the day before. ^^’’

And of course, the cosplay at the end by Yamapi and Tego! Hilarious! XD
Ryo also took off his shirt and humped Tego, and then tried to ”wrestle” him down on the ground. Also very funny. X)

I’m sure someone will give you a close detail on this one though. If not… ask?


EVERYONE should visit a JE con if they can! It’s really amazing whether you have bad seats or not!

Tegomass’s songs are really nice!
Koyashige will forever be epic and remembered! They were soooo funny! (My sister managed to film a bit apparently on the last day) XD
Ryo is a bit nuts, got ”mood swings” and is really funny! Funny guy. ^^ Not to mention he likes foreign fans! ;)
Yamapi is cool. He is. Really.
They ALL are seriously good looking! O_O
They’re all also really good dancers.  :9
All of them are actually very funny.
The songs are great! :D
Hearing it and seeing it live is like nothing else (though I think you already know that).
The audience is amazing (2nd time I’ll say that)!
Older women seem to gather around the arena and there’s a lots of guys on the high stands (?). XD
Pamphlets are super nice!
Goods are good.
Penlights is the sh*t. xD

Btw, we're not blonde. Both if us got brown hair. ^^

There are so many things to say… But I don’t have any more time. Sorry. ^^’’
Talk about anti-climatic? X3

Thank you NEWS for giving us these wonderful memories!

massu, tegomass, concert, koyama keiichiro, koyashige, tour, decemberpie, yamapi, yamashita tomohisa, nishikido ryo, tegoshi yuya, tokyo dome, news, live!live!live!, 2010, je, masuda takahisa, kato shigeaki

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