Home of the Whopper

Mar 26, 2003 18:53

I ditched work today, however being home all day with a hyper 4 year old is no calgon bath either... I think I am getting sick of work. I am just plain getting sick too. I'm no doctor, but I have a pretty good hunch that the 3 wk cravings for Burger King, fatigue, aches n pains etc.. may just be a sign of kick ass anemia. I am sick of this Lupus shit. Even though I may write about it a lot for the most part I do not pay it much mind (contradictory Iknow). Seriously though I am over a yr overdue to see the Rheum doc (supposed to have appts and get bloodwork q 3 mos)..shows how much I really think about my health... Anyway, I think it's time to make an appt cause I feel worse each day. I am exhausted ... I can't wait till Friday I can't wait till the weekend, god all I want is SLEEP!!! I am going to try and adopt a bunny this weekend...not because it is Easter though. I have been doing a lot of research sounds like lots of work but I am seriously considering making the leap. I will see what happens this weekend as I attempt to go rabbit searching... Well this is pretty freaking boring so I will stop now.
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