Sleep sleep tonight and may your dreams be realized...

Feb 28, 2003 22:13

One thing (among many)I will stress to my children is to trust your gut. Listen to that feeling, that message from within. It may be sad, terrifying or otherwise but don't shut it out. I read somewhere that people who experience trauma as a child develop this kind of sixth sense. Don't get me wrong I am not necessarily talking about mystical, after-life,mediums, Ms. Chleo and all that kooky stuff. Maybe women's intuition.. I dunno It's that gut feeling you get from time to time. I think for the most part my gut feeling turns out to be right. Unfortunately I have not listened to my gut when making many major decisions in my life. This sounds really flakey, but I can't help thinking that there's something to this feeling. I am not suggesting one make all decisions based on it, but if the feeling is strong enough I would take heed.
I am so exhausted I could just be talking out of my arse right now. I need to go to bed, but one of those gut feelings keeps pushing it's way up. No, I am not taking any prescription medication at this point in time, nor recreational drug. I do think my ear infection's coming back though. I think I will write when I can pull these thoughts together and form a somewhat coherent message. I feel myself pulling the Jesse Jackson (vocabulary) thing again.. must stop.
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