
May 07, 2010 18:38


A drabble of 100 words

By December21st

Fandom: Castle

Rating: PG

Pairing: None or Castle/Beckett, depending on how you read it.

Warnings: Obscure spoiler for "Boom!", child endangerment, violence.

Summary: Even the simplest plan can fail. This is a sequel to "A Simple Plan".

Maybe it wasn’t such a great plan.

The medic says my nose should stop bleeding any time now. The ice pack will help. Looks like it’s broken, along with my right hand. Don’t hurt as much as, um, the family jewels. Can’t hold another ice pack in handcuffs.

I’m not in as bad a shape as Rocco, though. He’s still got spaghetti in his hair. See, he chased the kid into the kitchen, and she threw a pot of boiling spaghetti in his face. Rocco screams like a girl.

It turns out that Castle’s girlfriend is a cop. Who knew?

fic length: multi-part, fic length: drabble, fanfic: castle

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