scene xxi

Aug 31, 2011 15:38


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C Anything is fine sturmbahnfurher September 1 2011, 03:42:17 UTC
[The Major lurches away a little as the chiropteran runs into him. However, he simply gives a smile and nods.]

Ah, my apologies, I was quite careless and wasn't watching where I was going. Are you alright?

[He knows Charles isn't. Not because of him, but there's something wrong. He can practically sense it. But he can't tip off that he knows there's a problem, that by the "boy's" posture there's something bothering him.]


decadenzas September 1 2011, 03:58:37 UTC
[despite his small frame, the bump hardly seems to jar him at all, though being snapped out of his thoughts seems to make him even more irritated.]

Quite fine, thank you. [but his tone is terse and the polite phrasing seems artificial - even moreso than it can be on a normal basis, that is. sniffing haughtily, he pauses to tug a wrinkle from his cloak.] Do watch where you're walking in the future, there are more than enough nuisances in this city without adding one more.


sturmbahnfurher September 1 2011, 04:00:36 UTC
[That's quite fine. The Major can make his own artificial statements of concern actually seem somewhat sincere, at least to most.]

Certainly. It doesn't do one well to be stuck in thought all too much, after all.

And there are for too many annoyances in the city as is.


decadenzas September 1 2011, 04:23:05 UTC
[his eyes narrow momentarily. being in the state he's in, he's pretty quick to take serious offense to just about anything and that statement irks him.

but he eventually settles back into a slightly more relaxed posture, though he continues to look on the verge of having an irate fit.]

There is certainly truth to be found in that. Indulging oneself in thought too often can lead to great misfortune, especially in a place like this.


sturmbahnfurher September 1 2011, 04:27:49 UTC
[Mmm. In this state, it's unlikely he can get anything from you. And considering how relatively short a period of time he's known you, it would most likely be the most wise to leave you be at the moment. He simply nods.]

I apologize, again, for my interruption. I'll be on my way.

[And he'll move to leave.]


decadenzas September 1 2011, 05:02:56 UTC
[turning your back on wild animals is a thing to avoid, and it might just be because of the predatory instinct to lunge. being a refined thing, he rarely follows such urges.

but the Major will find himself facing Charles again as soon as he turns. foul moods have always had a way of bringing out the less savory aspects of his nature.]

You know, I don't believe an apology will suffice.


sturmbahnfurher September 1 2011, 05:09:30 UTC
[Tsk tsk. He should have seen this coming. That was his mistake, he supposed, and he'd most likely pay for it. And yet, he can't help but still smile a bit to himself. At least he might now get to see what you can do, Charles.]

Oh? And what is it that would suffice, then?


decadenzas September 1 2011, 05:40:54 UTC
[well there's one thing working in the Major's advantage - unlike strangers or the people he dislikes, Charles has no personal problem with him yet and thus no reason to be really vindictive. he claps his hands together, all traces of the previous bad mood gone for the time being which is probably a bad sign in and of itself.]

You're an intelligent man and I rather enjoy our conversations. It's so difficult to find good people to talk with, yes? So! As this is your first offense and I'm feeling rather generous, an apology delivered on your knees would be wonderful. [wow yes this is Charles's idea of not being vindictive.]


sturmbahnfurher September 1 2011, 05:43:35 UTC
[The Major's smile grows a bit, and he tilts his head a little, casually. Oh. Is that it?]



decadenzas September 1 2011, 06:10:26 UTC
[a look of mock distress appears at that answer.] No, no, you've got it all wrong. It's a simple request, is it not?

[being someone so thoroughly used to war and vampiric creatures, the Major might just notice the minute shifts in posture happening as he speaks. to the untrained eye, he would just look like a child balancing on the heels of his shoes, but there is the unmistakable air of attack posturing behind it.]


sturmbahnfurher September 1 2011, 06:23:13 UTC
It's not a request at all. It's a command, for an animal.

[The Major hardly sounds angry. In fact, he sounds amused. Even more so, when he notices the shift in how Charles' posture. There's no use in attempting a retreat. It's clear that Charles could easily catch up with him. In that case, it'd be best to attempt to stand his ground, even if it's debatable how well he might do.

Still, he'll slowly reach for the holstered pistol he has hidden at his back.]


decadenzas September 1 2011, 10:06:58 UTC
It's only fitting. A dog is to man what man is to us, after all. ...Ah, perhaps cattle would be a more accurate comparison, but they're incapable of learning any tricks, new or old.

[this entire thing is creating a pretty sufficient distraction for him which is more that he could have asked for from his initial request. being so grateful for it, he doesn't want things to end too quickly and refrains from using his super speed when he finally lunges at the Major.]


sturmbahnfurher September 1 2011, 17:00:00 UTC
[The Major laughs, bringing one of his arms up to block his throat because, given the circumstances, it's really the only thing he needs to protect, considering everything beneath his neck is metal.

He swings his other arm forward. He doubts the gun will actually do much damage, and he's a pretty terrible shot to begin with so it's not like it's hard to avoid, but he'll fire anyway.]

And yet, in the end, it's always a man that kills a monster, isn't it?


decadenzas September 1 2011, 21:05:59 UTC
[what is it with people and guns, he goes through shirts like water here because of you all!! but he doesn't seem annoyed when this bullet grazes his arm, leaving frayed fabric and blood from a seemingly nonexistent wound in its wake, skin having bubbled up to heal over instantly. this is exactly what he needs right now, in his own mind at least. they say physical activity helps relieve anger, after all.]

Man can be just as monstrous, so I would say it's an even playing field. [the movement to protect his neck brings a smile to his face as he has no intention to kill. instead of going for a neck or face shot, he drops to the ground once he's within arms reach of the Major, attempting to deliver a rather powerful sweeping kick.]


sturmbahnfurher September 1 2011, 21:36:44 UTC
Those are semantics, and irrelevant to the discussion.

[Oh. Well shit, yeah he's not getting out from underneath that. The sweep will take the Major to the ground, although Charles might notice that the Major seems heavier than would even be suggest by his general girth, and his legs far more rigid and initially less willing to give than simple flesh and bone as he falls.

The Major tries to hook one of his legs over one of Charles' as he falls, but it's a last-second action, and could be easily avoided considering Charles general grace and speed.]


decadenzas September 1 2011, 23:43:09 UTC
It's perfectly relevant. [but it's more a passing remark than an actual argument as he's far more interested in actions than words right now. the surprising sturdiness catches him off guard momentarily - it definitely doesn't match up with his expectations - and he puts a little too much force into his jump back as soon as he notices the Major moving again, winding up further away than he had intended.]

Your weight distribution is rather abnormal.


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