scene xix

Jun 13, 2011 15:15


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action A scentofbauhinia June 13 2011, 23:32:53 UTC
[ does the hellbeast like burgers?

throwing a bit through the bars of the gate while he sits on the grass nomming his snack and staring at it ]


decadenzas June 13 2011, 23:41:18 UTC
[well it's certainly not going to turn down food, and even eats some of the lawn in its attempt to get it! so graceful...

and there is now one (1) babby bat standing behind you. gotta make sure no one he actually likes gets eaten.]


scentofbauhinia June 14 2011, 14:33:38 UTC
[ oh, clever hellbeast. he'd pet you if it weren't for that pesky brain of his telling him it's not such a great idea. ]

Is it always hungry?


decadenzas June 14 2011, 20:11:43 UTC
[come on, don't you want to donate a hand to the give horace a hand foundation.....]

Not always, but it only possesses the most basic skills needed to survive. [so it always seems hungry because it's not like it has anything better than food to think about] Why, have you been feeding it?


scentofbauhinia June 15 2011, 13:59:48 UTC
Maybe. [ lmao ] It seemed to like the spare ribs we had for dinner yesterday.

[ throws the monger some more burger. ] Like, have you thought about training it for movies? It'd make a good monster movie, like Cloverfield.


decadenzas June 15 2011, 20:15:09 UTC
It isn't a picky eater. [seriously, do you know how many times he's had to scream at it to stop chewing on trees and the side of the house.

also giving him A Look™ at that question.] It wasn't exactly created with that sort of purpose in mind, no. [...] I've never even heard of Cloverfield.


scentofbauhinia June 17 2011, 00:35:28 UTC
Oh. You should watch it, might have it on my laptop.

This giant monster attacks New York and like, the whole thing is made to look like it was filmed using a personal video camera, y'know. [ scoffs some more burger. sorry Horace, you can't have all of it you know :| ]


decadenzas June 17 2011, 01:04:01 UTC
[Horace is very displeased by this and bashes his head into the gate! or maybe he just enjoys bashing his head into things, he does it kind of frequently...

after giving droolbeast a rather disgusted look, Hong Kong gets a disapproving one.] It sounds like a waste of time for both the people who made it and the viewers. [aka watch it with me it's not like he's starved for company or anything]


scentofbauhinia June 18 2011, 19:44:03 UTC
[ oh he hears the hidden subtext charles lmao, so he just shrugs. ]

Well we can watch it so you can ridicule it and make sarcastic comments. You like doing that, right.


decadenzas June 18 2011, 20:23:48 UTC
I do have better things to use my time for, you know. [...but why would he ever pass up a perfectly good opportunity to ridicule and make sarcastic comments.]

If I finish with by business by the evening, I suppose we could watch it then.


scentofbauhinia June 19 2011, 18:31:50 UTC
Okay. [ lol charles he knew that you wouldn't say no. ] And we still have to watch Buffy the Vampire Slayer, y'know. Although I think England was saying he felt left out when I last saw him because he's weird, so maybe he'd wanna watch that too.

[ pause ] ...What business? [ you're too tiny to refer to anything as business charles, obvs ]


decadenzas June 19 2011, 19:51:02 UTC
[shh he's not totally transparent. but he does look displeased at the mention of Buffy, even if he wouldn't really object to watching that either.] It's already going to be a terrible show so you might as well invite England. [because there won't be anything for him to ruin...

and come on man every time he mentions business it's the same thing.] I've just a score to settle.


scentofbauhinia June 20 2011, 06:54:26 UTC
[ it's a brilliant show Charles and you will love it okay. ] Oh.

With who?


decadenzas June 20 2011, 07:18:38 UTC
With my assailant. [not that he's exceedingly bitter about being killed or anything.

oh, right, might as well make an extra offer while he's at it.] Would you like me to take care of yours as well?


scentofbauhinia June 22 2011, 08:32:03 UTC
You're not bitter then... [ lol sarcasm. but he goes a bit quiet at the question. ]

I don't know where she lives or her name.

...And in any case, I don't think I'd want that.


decadenzas June 22 2011, 09:30:59 UTC
You'd like to do it yourself? [because obviously everyone offed would have an insatiable desire to get even, and he wouldn't want to step on any toes. shrugs!]

Fair enough, I'll drink more than my fill without adding any extra to the meal.


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