The power's been off in most of Auckland for most of the day - everything flickered and crashed at work about half an hour after I arrived this morning, leaving me glowing gently in the emergency backup lights, looking at a blank computer screen. Given there wasn't a damn thing I could do (oh woes, I'd done all my filing last week, so couldn't even do that), Shaft sent me home. No traffic lights anywhere, so stuck to the back streets and made it home safely, to curl up on the couch with the gas heater and a blanket and a book and a cat. No cup of tea, though.
I love to read - and it was good to finish my re-reading of
The Fionavar Trilogy, and look through the latest
NetGuide and
Consumer magazines - but it's frustrating to not be able to break from that and check my email, put the washing on, or do one of the myriad things that requires power. I did wash the dishes, though. Yay me!
Still, after a couple of false starts, where everything beeped and looked useful, only to suddenly go black thirty seconds later, the power is back. So the computers have been fired up again, the outside light is on waiting for
fuzzy_ben to come home, and the washing machine is whirring away in the garage. Thank heavens it did come back, though, otherwise I don't know what we would have been eating for dinner this evening. Possibly dairy food, apples, and cheese & crackers. That, or you'd find us heating slices of carrot, capsicum and zucchini by holding them close to the gas heater. Which, granted, would be an interesting experiment, but quite likely not a very successful one.
Is it wrong, now that the power's back, that I'm tempted to get the vaccuum cleaner going just so I can hear the sound?