I've been meaning to cover a few things, so I apologize if this gets long...
First up:
Lookie here! I know I've already announced it, but now it even looks official. Next up: The WaT
Yes, that's right, the Clarion West Write-a-thon is almost (eek!) upon us. almost as in it starts on Sunday.
I'm really looking forward to meeting this year's class, one of whom has been published in Apex. I'll probably only make a couple of the Friday night gatherings (thank you, gas prices), but will be once again writing along with the current class as part of the Write-a-thon fundraiser. Just like your basic thing-a-thon (kudos to Kate for that phrase), I pledge to write a certain amount per week for the six weeks of the Clarion West workshop, and sponsors pledge to donate a certain amount for every goal met.
In a fit of more than my usual insanity, I pledged to write 7,000 words per week. Of course, the intent was to get a running start and be in the thick of a new novel by now so the words would be flowing generously. I'm not. They aren't. But it's time to put other people's money where my mouth is and try to go for it anyway.
As always I'm asking for moral (or amoral) support sponsors as well. Your job, should you choose to accept it (this posting will self-destruct after you read it, btw), is to hold me accountable. I'll post twice per week about how I'm doing on my goal, usually Wednesday and Sunday, most likely. If I don't check in, hop on the blog comments and harass me about it. Threaten to bite off my fingers. Threaten to tell my mother (she reads this anyway, so just type really loud and she'll hear you). Convince me that if I don't check in you'll come to my house and sing showtunes until I beg you for mercy. Just make sure I keep myself on task.
If you're up for that treacherous duty, let me know. If you're feeling like it's easier just to pay me off with donations to CW, that's great, too.
My WaT page is here and includes a bit more info and a donation button. If you're confused about the WaT, feel free to post a question. If you're confused about something else, feel free to ask that too, you just might not get the answer you were looking for.
And finally: Mini Grammar Rant
I have a slightly longer one planned for later, but for now, let me just say that "everyday" and "every day" do NOT mean the same thing. Not even if you have it professionally painted in a pretty font on the back of your delivery truck as part of your logo.
As a side note, I'm recovering from a cold, but when I tried to use the emoticon for "sick," the vomiting alien head was just a little too much after narrowly escaping the Wiscon Plague.