!!MOD NOTE!! Update from Laurie and Deb!

Dec 14, 2010 21:35

I am DANCING. I just got this note from Laurie:

Happy early Christmas to us! Deb's brother, Darren, has been to Massachusetts twice in the last month and just got the call from Lahey that he's been approved to give Deb half his liver. (As if we needed more proof how bizarre is the world of organ transplantation, Darren has endured incredible unpleasantness and indignities, so he could demonstrate himself worthy to endure major surgery that he doesn't need.)

We have a tentative surgery date of January 10...less than a month from now. Deb is dancing around the house while talking on the phone with a friend, and periodically sticks her head in the bedroom door to exclaim "I'm not going to die!" and "I won't have porphyria any more!"

Laurie has set up a Care Page for Deb and Darren, and will soon send the address, which I will PROMPTLY share with all of you!

!!mod note, !!laurie and deb update

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