Jul 16, 2024 11:00
Yes, while at work we had further proof that there are some odd-balls out and out about on any average day. But, yesterday brought a reall random question.
She came up to the Welcome desk and said she wished to make a formal complaint. I told her that the area that dealt with that was now closed for the day, would open tomorrow, or I could give her email/phone details.
She said she needed to do it there and then otherwise she was sure someone would die.
So I said ... OK, what is the problem (So I knew where to direct the question/problem)
She said a tree had overgrown and was blocking one of the hospital signs.
So far, so good.
I started getting the pages open on the pc to contact the grounds keepers as an urgency,
So I said I will need details of which tree/sign needed the care ... she said, "next to the roundabout". As we have 3 roundabouts on site, I asked which one ... she said .... (wait for it)
"The one as you come off the A30 on the way into Exeter."
My mind completely "skipped" ... and I said that problems like that were to do with either Exeter City Council, of Devon County Council. She said, No, it mentions the hospital, therefore it is the hospital's duty.
Then she stalked off.
I had actually been answering a question from someone else about the location of a relative in the hospital, and the 3 of us just stood there looking at each other. They weren't local so asked where she meant ... so I said we are looking at about 3 miles away!!
Yes, totally bemused.
Right, after that jolly little story I am going to get on. After all, I don't think I can top that, at all!
So -
16. It's World Snake Day - do you have any venomous snakes in your country? Have you ever seen one?
We have 3 snakes in England ... grass snakes & slow worms are safe, but the Adder is poisonous, but I don't think I have seen one. (Not that I am aware of, anyway.)
Right, hope you are having a fun day x