Apr 17, 2024 16:02
I had a dentist appointmant yesterday and couldn't get there are roads were closed due to a bad accident. So by the time I escaped that the whole morning had gone.
I then went into Exeter for a hair cut, as well as trying to sort out some shopping, and by then the day had almost gone.
Today has been a bit similar ... I went shopping & got my car cleaned at the same time. As I was leaving the supermarket I saw a lady from our Church who I hadn't seen fro a few weeks, so chatted to her. Back I remade the bed (the old sheets are still on the line)
After lunch I was about to come up here to do these posts when my doorbell rang ... Tim & Claire having a lunchtime walk (& drink) ... Claire arrived asking for sherry, and Tim said that if she was having that he would have beer! It was nice to see them both.
Now I have done this and have done the LJ 25th anniversary post. and have to pick up a parcel ... and have to do my ironing. I then need to pack as tomorrow I am going to friends for a few days ...so ...
16. Wilbur Wright the American aviator was born in 1867. Do you like flying by plane? Have you ever flown First Class?
I love visiting other places ... but am not a real fan of flying (especially take off). No, to me, 1st class is a waste of money I could spend on another holiday.
17. It's National Haiku Day - can you write a Haiku?
I had to learn how at school ... but that was 50 years ago
18. People often say they have a favourite smell - cut grass, fresh bread baking, an old fashioned rose. What would your favourite aroma be? Are there some smells that spark a memory?
Fresh cut grass, washing just off the line ... and, yes, a traditional rose (I have one)
19. National Garlic Day - is garlic something you love? Have you a favourite way of using it?
20. Richard Hoffmann, Austrian violinist and composer was born today in 1925 - have you ever played a stringed instrument?
I ama woodwind player ... clarinet or saxophone please
21. It's National Tea day - there are so many different types of tea, but have you ever had bubble tea, or do you stick with a traditional type?
I like English Breakfast tea ... hot, black or white
22. The theme of Earth Day this year is a 60% reduction in the production of plastic and reduction in the use of plastics, and plastic waste by 2040. Do you try to avoid plastic waste? Is it easy where you live, or are you struggling to avoid plastic/plastic waste?
Yes - Exeter is pretty good at tecycling
23. It's the UN Spanish Language day - can you speak any Spanish? Did you learn Spanish at school?
I learnt French at school ... but don't remember much of it.
Sorry, I am out of time to get everything done, so will have to say "see you next week"
daily meme,