LiveJournal is 25: interesting facts about me and my blog

Apr 17, 2024 15:39

1. LJ appeared in April 1999, the year when I had a namesake arrive.  I was horse-sitting for my friend when a mare had an unexpected foal, who was named DJ (my initials)

2. As a child, I wanted to become a doctor

3. My favorite school subject was Maths & history (& science)

4. The tune of my carefree youth is "Lily the Pink"

5. A book (or an author) that influenced me The Bible

6. A city (or cities) I truly love .... where do I start?  London, Luxor, Budapest, San Francisco, Sienna, etc, etc

7. I started an LJ blog in 2006 because I wanted to get a beta for my first fan-fic I had written

8. The catch phrase that nearest and dearest recognize me by ... don't think I have one, I will have to ask them.

9. A movie I’m never tired to watch again ... again, a few.  Fiddler on the Roof, Sound of Music, The Longest Day, etc, etc

10. When I was 25, I liked to go site-seeing (some things never change)

11. I can’t live a day without my faith (and a cup of tea)

12. An LJ post I’d like to recommend to everyone ... nothing comes to mind

13. I’m proud of how I have adapted to be able to keep working.

14. If I could give advice to myself from 1999, I’d assure myself that I could cope without Mum & Dad

15. My favorite LJ blog(s)... not going to list

16. My favorite LJ community (-ies) photo_scavenger, seasonal_spuffy

17. A dish (or a food product) I learned to like only as an adult - black tea

18. Within these 25 years I’ve visited, far to much to list, as I have travelled in USA, Egypt, Europe ... including England, Scotland & N Ireland

19. My favorite cure for sadness is reading sappy fan-fic, praying

20. If I didn’t have to work, I’d do travel more

21. My superpower is managing to create chaos in an organised space

22. A useful skill I’d like to teach younger generations is listening, being polite & thankful for the little things

23. If I could spend a day as an animal, that would be a pet dog

24. The way I’d like to grow old is with keeping my brains/memory & my sight

25. I’m grateful to LJ for giving me friends & a place to share photos ... and to learn of the fun of fandom.  (And, ultimately in meeting James!!!)


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