
Jan 11, 2024 15:04

Yes, I'm missing yesterdays, so you get 2 days today.

Yesterday the clinic went well, and then after a rapid lunch I went to have a sports massage treatment on my neck & shoulders. Once home I was a good girl and have a lazy evening ... and no computing. The treatment took place about 3 miles away, and all in the city ... but oddly this is one of the roads I had to use. It is often very busy, and with the bridge on a bend it is sometimes hard to see what is coming towards you -

Today I worked on reception this morning ... another good shift. I was due to meet a friend for a walk but she isn't well, so I just had a short stroll locally. So annoying that while working this morning I could see blue skies, and the sun ... but, guess what, by the time I had lunch, clouds!

So, I still have some training to do, as I am having to take things slower due to my sore eye, but had better get on.  So, before that -

10. It's the start of the Lunar Chinese New Year - the year of the Dragon. Do you know your Chinese zodiac animal?
No I don't so, I Googled ... I am born in the Year of the Ox

11. Today there is a New Moon - a good day to star gaze - are you familiar with any of the constellations (and you point them out)?
Orion's belt is one of the few I know ... growing up in Greater London had a lot of light polution, so not as many to really recognise (well, that's my excuse!)

Hope you are having a  good day

weather, exeter, work, 366 day photos, daily meme

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