Nov 14, 2023 14:58
Did you miss me?
I had a great trip to London ... A few new locations, and a return to a couple of places I had been to some years back. And, yes, I went to The Cenotaph ... and will admit it was the only time I got cold.
All in all a great trip ... and you have been warned that there will be loads of photos to come!
I worked this morning ... in fact I am working every morning this week, so that is good news for the bank balance.
Now, I want to get some photos edited, and hopefully post a few a bit later. But before I start that ....
14 - Loosen Up Lighten Up Day: Do you need to loosen up or lighten up?
Ask my brothers/nephews and they would probably say “yes”. But I am happy being “boring”
Did I miss any news - if so, let me know.
So, until later x
daily meme,