What Odd Weather

Sep 28, 2023 15:10

Not a great photo, but taken out of my back door earlier. Mum used to call weather like this "concrete skies" and said it used to weigh down on her. I know what she means. It has been like that all day ... very odd

Still I have a couple of other photos to post which are more cheery.  I managed to fully catch up with the prompts over at photo_scavenger with these 2 pictures I took this afternoon  (The prompts weer four & rest).  Next month it is my turn to do the prompts so wanted to start it with a "clear slate"

Yes, I am a hoarder but this helps me with this prompt. I leant to read with Ladybird books ... and here are the #4's -

And here are the rest of the books -

More housework done this morning, more of my journal completed as well as some food shopping done.  I also made up a large saucepan of mince to either have as seperate meals, or a basis for something else.  So they are in bowls and in the freezer now.  I am lucky that in my shed I keep a second small freezer so things like this can go in there, rather than the smaller one in my kitchen.

So, now I want to get on with other things, and hopefully catch up with you all.  As ever -

28 - Good Neighbo(u)r Day: Are you a good neighbour? Do you even know your neighbours? Have you ever had any really bad experiences with a neighbour?
Well, I don’t have all-night parties, so does that count.
I have never really had much to do with any of my neighbours, but if needed I would certainly help them, or ask for help.

Right still a few more photos to post ... so, hopefully that will happen later x

camera phone, weather, food, housework, daily meme, camera

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