Sorry I wasn't around yesterday but ended up working - and it was all sxcanning/uploading files, so my bad eye was fairly sore by the time I had finished, so I decided not to turn on the computer at home.
Today clinic was good ... busy (even though we had 1/3 of them as no-shows) ... but as it was busy the morning went rapidly. However I still managed to get time to pop across the corridor to get my Covid jab.
Now I have done some basic shopping, and am here for a bit. I do want to phone Auntie Mary if I can, but I also have to get some icons made, as well as some more photos edited and posted.
So, ...
18 - Read an Ebook Day: Are you partial to ebooks? What are some advantages of ebooks over other formats? What sort of ereader do you use -- kindle, kobo, tablet, other? Are there some types of books that really don't work as ebooks?
Oh, my Kindle is always around - in fact I have 2 (as my old one still works and is in my work bag)
19 - Talk Like a Pirate Day: Do you have a favourite book, film, or TV show about pirates?
Come on, who doesn't like Pirates of the Caribbean ... mind you, there is also Captain Pugwash -
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Right, photos soon x