Day Off - But Certainly Not A Lazy One

Aug 16, 2023 15:43

This morning was busy, bus, busy.

yesterday when I was going out to work I glanced at the hedge in my front garden and it had literally died, in sections, overnight.  Wow - maybe it has been a problem for a few days, but certainly I hadn't spotted it.  So I have removed the dead bits, and lets see if the whole section has gone, or whether getting rid of the dead stuff will let the rest survive.  If I lose the lot I shall end up waiting till next year to decide what to do there.  Two reason - one of which is it's fairly late in the season, and also that if there is a "bug" then leaving the ground fallow will be the best thing for it.

Once I had done that I headed to where Crediton (about 9 miles away) as I am tasked to clean the CWCG there.  I had been a couple of weeks ago but still had 2 in the Churchyard to do, and then to find the cemetery and the 3 there.  None of them were traditional gravestones so didn't need the cleaning, but all needed basic gardenimg ... and 2 of them needed a lot of gardening (one was full of brambles).  So a couple of hours of works was involved with the 5 graves.

Then back via the grocery shop, and a lunch.

This afternoon I have registered all the graves on the web-sites that I needed to and now doing this before seeing what you have all been up to!

Tomorrow I am working in the morning, and then meeting up with Claire in the afternoon.  The trouble is that is going to be hard work ... we are meeting for cocktails ... so I will have to decide what one(s) to buy!!!!  Then in the evening we are meeting Tim for an evenig meal.  (And as I am working all day on Friday -)

16 - Elvis Week: Are you, or were you, an Elvis Presley fan?
Oh yes - love his music. In fact I had an Elvis CD on while I was cutting down my hedge this morning

17 - Thrift Shop Day: Do you regularly, or even occasionally, shop at thrift shops? Do you donate to them? What was one of your best or favourite thrift shop finds?
I do donate to Charity shops ... and buy from them (a great place to pick up a jigsaw puzzle)

18 - Serendipity Day: Serendipity is an unplanned fortunate discovery. Have you ever experienced a particularly serendipitous moment?
I can't think off hand of a major event ... but there always seems to be little and surprising, happy things happening.

So will see you Saturday x

tim and claire, gardening, work, cwcg

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