Well I Did Say I Hoped To Turn Up Today ...

Aug 02, 2023 09:46

... However, as I have an appointment with my sport masseur in a short while I am only here for a short time - I aim to catch up tomorrow morning.

Well, let's back-date ...

Saturday I gave Tim & Claire a lift to a town about 10 miles away as they were meeting a group of people to do a pilgrimage walk.  As I was there I decided I would check on the war graves that come under my jurisdiction. The churchyard has 10 graves, and I sorted out 8 of them. One is covered in brambles and I was sleeveless, I left that for another day. The other I couldn't find. So I need to go back soon-ish and finish there, as well as the 3 graves in the cemetery. By the time I got home I decided a cup of tea was needed, and then I had to get lunch, make tea, and head to work.

Sunday was Sunday.

Om Monday Christine came over and we went to another National Trust property (photos to follow). We didn't do too badly with the weather, as it rained all the way there, but after an early lunch it was dry, so a good day.

Yesterday I was working all day ... but as it rained in the afternoon, it meant I didn't have to water the pot plants in my garden.

Now it's today, and I have photos to sort; Commonwealth War graves "paperwork" to do; treatment, shopping; and then work!

So will catch up with you all tomorrow ... but until then ...

2 - Colouring Book Day: Were colouring books something you enjoyed as a child? Adult colouring is now a huge trend. Do you do colouring as an adult, or would you consider engaging in this activity?
I have done some, and enjoyed it ... but there again, in spare time I have loads of things I ought to be doing instead!

Right, see you tomoorw

day out, work, daily meme, cwcg

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