Didin't Mean To Dissappear

Jul 26, 2023 10:42

Sorry, I did aim to post a couple of times last week ... However on the first of my 2 days I couldn't get on the internet ... some local problem with the internet.  Then on my next possible chance I had developed an ear infection and was feeling "very sorry for myself" ... especially as I still had the house to clean before Brenda arrived.

So ear is getting better.

Brenda has been and gone ... as have Tim & Claire.

Now I have some of this morning off, as I am working later.  But in my planned morning to sort photos Toni has phoned to say that she has hurt her back and can I possibly look at it for her.  (For those who don't know, that is how we met, about 25 years ago).

So, as ever, plans are thrown out.  Anyway, I will have loads of photos to share at some point as, despite the weather, Brenda and I went to 2 National Trust properties (and I still have photos from my museum visit to share), but until then ...

20 - International Chess Day: Do you play, or have you ever played, chess?
Yes, I can play, but not one of those people who can plan moves ahead ... just "reply" to my opponants moves.

21 - Junk Food Day: What is your favourite junk food? Is this something you eat regularly, or is it something you turn to when you're stressed, or that you reserve as a special treat or reward for yourself?
Roast Chicken crisps.
A Big Mac
I will eat the crisps usually once a week ... a McD's is if I am travelling and busy.

22 - Day Of the Cowboy: Do you like Westerns (either books, movies, or TV shows)? What about country and western music?
Traditional country music is fine ... as are the great westerns ... John Waine in Stagecoach is a winner.

23 - Peanut Butter and Chocolate Day: Match made in heaven or something to be avoided at all costs?
Never tried it ... but I do like a Snickers/Marathon bar

24 - Everybody Deserves a Massage Week: The third week of July is Everybody Deserves a Massage Week. Do you go for regular (or occasional) massages? Have you tried different types of massage: Swedish, Shiatsu, deep tissue, etc.? Do you have a favourite?
Never had a massage just to relax, but have regular Sports Massages for injuries.

25 - Hot Fudge Sundae Day OR Wine and Cheese Day: Which would you go for?
Something else I have never had.
I do like some cheeses, although have to be aware of my partial dairy injury ... but, white wine, yes please.

26 - All or Nothing Day: If it was your last day on Earth, what would you do?
I think I would want to contact family and friends.  But really, I don't know, as there would be too many variables.

Right, won't catch up with you as I want to get some photos sorted before Toni comes ... so will see you tomorrow xx

brenda, rl, ill, work, daily meme, internet

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