Aiming To Be Busy

Jun 03, 2023 10:16

... As I have had a long week at work, which was good for the bank balance ... and a similar week ahead, housework, shopping, washing, etc has been deferred ... so I need to get on today and get a few tasks done.

I am also hoping to get some of the local Commonwealth War Graves cleaned, as well. I didn't get round to giving them their Autumn clean, so need to catch up. If I can at least get 3 or 4 done, at least I will know that I have made a start.

I had hoped to get photos done, as I said, but my computer was being annoying ... so hopefully will get one set up today, and some more next week. At this rate it will be next year before I get to share my Sicily trip with you all.

Hope you are having a good weekend ... shopping, and grave cleaning, ar calling ... but until then ....

3 - World Bicycle Day: Do you regularly ride a bike? If yes, is it mostly for fun, or do is it your main mode of tranportation? Does your town/city have good bike infrasctructure, e.g. dedicated, safe bike paths, etc.?
I have never really liked cycling, even though mum thought I was mad. But having been all but run over, in an accident, it is certainly something I won't be doing (by choice) again

4 - Cheese Day: There are people who do not like cheese or cannot eat it for health reasons, while other people think it is one of the best foods, or ingredients for food recipes that was ever invented! Which category best describes you?
Some cheeses really clash with my partial dairy allergy ... but I do like Cheddar Cheese, preferably fairly strong.

Right, catch up with you later x

shopping, rl, work, daily meme, cwcg

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