Pete's op was a success - yay. And as he is also in remission at present it's to be hoped he has a good rest-of-the-year coming up. Toni came round after visiting finished and I had made a pasta dish, and we sat chatting till after 1am ... although a lot of the time it was a chance for her to let off steam over everything going on in her life at present ... so although I am tired I am pleased she was able to talk about some of the things.
She insisted on resting on the settee, and left early-ish, so I had breakfast alone (she is not one to have early food ... although makes up for it the rest of the day ;)
I have the day off and walked into Exeter especially to see the
Dissenter's Cemetery ... only to find it was actually closed today, so that's a visit for another day. I walked home the long way and enjoyed taking some photos ... so ...
And some flowers -
And I had fun taking a picture of this tree and playing with my camera settings -
Spotted on a house on the way home
County Hall
I am going to do some more sorting out later .... my big kitchen cabinet is slowly beeing done, so hope to do a bit more than that.
As it's Sunday tomorrow and I am working on the Bank Holiday Monday ....
29 - International Astronomy Day: Have you ever looked through a telescope or gone to a planetarium? Do you have a favourite celestial body?
Never been to one ... but I have a favourite - Earth!
30 - International Jazz Day: Jazz, love it or hate it?
Some traditional jazz is OK, but really, really, really go not like/get/undersatnd modern jazz.
1 - School Bus Drivers' Day: When you were young, did you have to take a school bus to get to school?
I walked or went by bike
Right, hope you all have a good weekend x