Mar 07, 2023 10:58
That's first on my morning tasks! As I mentioned last year I had aimed to get to China, and had hoped to go this year, but as the political changes etc were not great I hadn't been happy about that ... and neither had the company I had planned to travel with. So much so I was offered a full refund on my deposit, or a chance to re-book somewhere else. I was going to get the refund for this years plans, then realised that in booking into next year I had plans for the more trips.
Both Mum & Dad loved travel (Dad more than Mum), but both had a real #1 wish. Mum always wanted to go to Australia ... well as I type this nephew #2 & his girlfriend are flying to Sdney. They both managed to get 3 months off work, with their jobs guaranteed ... so Mum would be super jealous there (as I am as well!). Dad's #1 wish was to see the pyramids in Egypt ... so he will be super jealous of the phone call I am making (I am on hold at present) as I am going to book to go to Egypt in early 2024. They both wanted to go to Israel, or The Holy Land as they called it, and that is still on my "one day" list.
So I get the chance to type this as I listed to the most random piece of music possible! And, before they answer -
7 - Cereal Day: What cereals do you like? If you had cereal for breakfast this morning what was it? What was your favourite as a child?
I love tigers, and always wanted to have Frosties, as I loved the logo, but Mum & Dad wouldn't pay out for the extra money they box cost.
We always had Weetabix ... and, yes, I still love both!
Right, music still playing so will try & catch up with you all while waiting
daily meme,
mum and dad