A Spring Day In The 1920's

Feb 22, 2023 14:37

As I said earlier, I went to Coleton Fishacre, yesterday, and enjoyed my spring visit to the 1920's ....

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national trust, devon, day out, spring, christine, flowers, camera

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Comments 6

kazzy_cee February 22 2023, 16:34:51 UTC
I love the weather vane in the study!


debris4spike March 2 2023, 11:52:26 UTC
That weather vane is amazing - and we were suprised as it seemed a very still day, yet we watched it move around while we were in the room


gillo February 23 2023, 00:01:57 UTC
You can tell you are further advanced into spring than us, which is not really surprising - further south and closer to the Gulf Stream as you are. But our camellia is just starting to burst into bloom and we have crocuses abundantly.

It's always good to feel the sun is coming back.


debris4spike March 2 2023, 11:53:44 UTC
Even though I posted these pictures a week ago I don't think Spring has moved much more as it's still very chilly here. So, maybe you will catch up!


curiouswombat February 23 2023, 21:10:55 UTC
It is definitely looking spring-like. And that looks like such a comfortable house, I feel I would be quite happy to move in... well as long as it has hidden wi-fi and a large flat screen TV, that is!


debris4spike March 2 2023, 11:55:13 UTC
Even though I posted these pictures a week ago I don't think Spring has moved much more as it's still very chilly here. So, maybe you will catch up!

I think they would now have problems with your TV idea as there is just no signal there as you are dropping down towards the coast ... and away from other properties.


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