Work was a full day yesterday ... so I didn't switch on this pc when I got home ... see, I do listen to my health occasionally.
Today in my clinic we had the oddest of patients ... why he came none of us knew. The matron I was working with asked him to drink 2 glasses of water and he just said "no". She explained why, as did I but he just said he wan't going to drink anything, as he didn't like drinking! No wonder he has urology problems. We then asked him to wait for a strong feeling of needing to wee, and guess what his answer was ... "no". He was not going to wait around. So why he came in for the test I have not a clue.
Oh well, home now, washing done and airing ... so hopefully will get the ironing done later.
Well, I did say I was making icons and I made this set of 20 BtVS season 2 icons for round 45 of Monthlyinspo over on DW. This month's theme is Au Naturel or The Fake Out, and I decided to do 10 of each ...
As ever, all are snaggable, but credit would be appreciated. The credits are available over at my icon journal -
d4s_icons And now -
9 - Read in the Bathtub Day: Do you read in the bath? Have you ever been reading in the bath and dropped your book into the water?
Always do ... I don't often have baths, so when I do I "indulge". And, yes, have dropped a cople of books over the years. Mum used to borrow some of my books, and was amused when one she wanted to read was a bit "puffy" after a bath!
10 - Umbrella Day: Umbrella or raincoat? Do you carry an umbrella or raincoat “just in case” if the weather looks doubtful, or do you take your chances? What types of umbrellas do you like? Do you keep umbrellas in different places, e.g. one at work, one in your car (if you have a car), to avoid being caught by unexpected rain?
I have had to re-think umbrellas as I used to live in a town where gale-force winds were common, so no umbrellas there. I also used to be a horse rider (no umbrellas there). So, yes I have a couple of nice umbrellas, but usually forget to use them.
Right - lets get on. I am aiming to do a supermarket shop today ... so ... "see you later"