At Long Last, It's Friday

Oct 07, 2022 16:18

Sorry I wasn't around yesterday, but a full day of work and fighting a cold meant that once I got home I ate something, watched an old episode of DR Who on the TV, and had an early night.

All in all I am feeling a lot better. Not yet 100%, but certainly a lot better that I have felt over the last 3 days. Still Mum used to say that a cold was -
"3 days coming
3 days here
3 days going" ....
So I have 3 days of getting better to go.

Clinic today was odd ... nice patients, mostly. However one of the patients just went home before finishing his appointment. The only reason I knew that was that another patient poke to him, so at least I knew where he had gone.

So as I have been off-colour I ended up I had empty food cupboards, so that has been a task for this afternoon. Now I am here and want to get some icons made, so there won't be any photos today.

I am working tomorrow, and then it's Sunday ... so ...

6. Are actual paper road maps obsolete? When was the last time you actually used one?
I still use maps ... even if it means I have to print it out from Google Maps.

7. Has a phone or car GPS's instructions ever resulted in you being completely lost?
Never use either!

8. What TV show has a theme song or opening credits sequence that you really love? Feel free to name more than one if you want!
Sorry it still has to be the theme from "Flashing Blade" ... I loved the show when I watched it in the late 60's, and learnyt the song when I first heard it -

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9. Of websites you look at daily (or almost daily), which have you been paying attention to longest?
Has to be LJ ... I only look at a couple every day, and that is the longest one

See you Monday xsho

shopping, ill, you tube, work, daily meme

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