And Yet Again It's Monday

Oct 03, 2022 10:12

... Where do the days go?

I am going into work early afternoon, and working through to the evening.

So this morning I want to get some housework done.  I also need to send a couple of pieces of jewellery off to be repaired.  When I was on holiday the ring I gought Mum about 20 years before she died, and she never took off, is one that I wear when I am not working.  However on holiday I was suddenly aware that it felt wrong, and realised it had split.  So although I have to get it repaired, at least I didn't lose it.

All in all an expense ... add to that my kitchen tap has died, and now I realise my printer has given up the ghost.  So, more expense this week ... at least I am working off and on over the next 6 days.

But before I go to the post office -

3. Do you tend to read reviews of films or TV shows that you're considering watching? What about reviews of books or albums? How much influence might a good or bad review have on you?
Sadly I tend to be very boring and re-watch a lot of things. So I don't often see new stuff.
However must admit my brother bought me some DVDs for my birthday, and I gave them a go, and enjoyed them. So, maybe I should be more adventurous (I only said maybe, though!!)

Right I must get on.

I won't have time to post some more photos, but will try and catch up with you all later.

work, daily meme, jewellery

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