Who Turned Down The Thermostat?

Sep 30, 2022 15:18

It is certainly feeling very cold now ... and it's raining. I think most people are moaning but having come from a hotter country it certainly feels very chilly. Oh well, once I swap summer to winter clothes a bit later I can really sort out some extra layers.

I worked this morning, and the 5 were all slightly odd. I decided that they had kepy the odd-balls from when I was away to give me a great "welcome back to work" morning.

I am going to sort some more photos for you, so will get that done and posted soon ... before I go ...

30. When was the last time you sat on a park bench for more than ten minutes? Describe the occasion.
It's not something I tend to do often, but did sit on a wall in Trafalgar Square when I was up there 10 days ago and just watched the world go by

See you soon x

autumn, weather, work, daily meme

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