Busy, Busy, Busy!

Aug 25, 2022 17:23

Yes I worked again today …. But also realise that I forgot to post an actual update yesterday (sorry).

I think yesterday morning the general tiredness of the last couple of weeks caught up with me. The good news is that I didn’t actually “crash”, just sort of pottered my way through some of the time. I worked in the late afternoon/evening, so nice to spend a bit of positive time. In fact, not long before I left a young lady was wheeled past by her mum … she would be about 10, and she handed me a keyring made of coloured beads. Apparently she has been here 10 weeks and hopes to go home soon. One of the things she has been doing to try to be positive is making them to give to staff to thank them for all their help. So that was a really nice end to the day.

Been working in main reception all day, and even though it’s not a full moon, certainly there have been a lot of odd questions. The oddest of all was a gentleman who asked me where he went in the hospital to see his mother’s titanium leg implant. I did think of suggesting he kept it as a garden feature, but decided I would be a good girl and not say such a thing (who says I am not diplomatic). He did think we would buy it and re-use it (very green of him …. Until he reminded me that titanium was worth a lot of money. He did assure his mother no longer needed it. But whatever, it was an odd question. I suggested Googling medical supply companies, or just the local re-cycling centre.

So, as you can see, life can be totally random on the main reception.

Now I am back earlier than expected as someone came to start earlier than I had been told ... so nice to walk home in the sunshine, and sit outside for a short time.

Now I need to post -

24. What is your most unusual nighttime or morning ritual?
Read in bed for anything between 1/4 hour and a complete hour, then curl up on my left side to sleep.
If I wake before the alarm then I read, then once the alarm has snoozed once I get up shower, drink a pint of water and read by Bible, before breakfast and on with the day

25. How do you get rid of pesky phone calls from telemarketers/scam callers?
Just put the phone down! (I do usually say "Sorry" as I do it)

Right I am all up to date. I have some time off tomorrow morning and really need to do some shopping, and take some photos for photo_scavenger as I am all behind.

Will try and catch up with you a bit later x

work, daily meme, people

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