Sunny Saturday

Jul 16, 2022 12:31

Well 2 weeks today is my nephew's wedding ... so I hope they also get sunshine, although hopefully a bit cooler.  Apparently Britain has a red weather warning.  I love being English, I really do, but some of the general attitude to weather makes me smile ... 1/4 inch of snow and everything grings to a halt ... now we are due temperatures of 40'C and the same is going to happen.  I know we aren't fully equipped to handle full weather extremes, but then you look across Europe and the weather is hotter for longer, or snowy for longer.  Why do we have to alert people?

People are going to burn & get dehydrated however much warning is given.

Oh well, rant over!

I had a good day yesterday.  Met up with Toni & Pete and she admitted to knowing she is getting depressed.  We had met roughly half way between the 2 of us, and she thanked me for getting her out of the house for something that wasn't a hospital appointment.  Anyway we ended up having a lovely couple of hours.

Then I had messaged Ana to see if she was around, so in the afternoon I walked the 3 miles there, and spent a lovely couple of hours with the 3 of them.  Martin finished work about 1/2 way through and as he worked from home it was nice to spend time with them ... and get to cuddle Lily ... she really is growing, and getting to be one tough girl.  Considering she is only about 10 weeks old she really is trying to sit herself up and is a real wriggler. ...

And, for those who wonder, her t-shirt says "Grandpa's partner in crime"

Well today I have done some shopping, now I am here.  I wasn't going to do any more fence painting, but noticed a missed a bit on the part I have done, so want to get that done, then shall do a bit more while I have the stuff out.  I have done the bits that are noticable, but have a section of fence by the shed, as well as 1/2 the shed still to do.  So I suppose doing some more means there is less to do in the future.

Before I do that, though, I am going to sort some icons, and have something to eat ... chicken salad.  But, as ever -

15. What was the last fruit you ate?
I eat fruit twice a dy, I think I had an orange after tea yesterday

16. If sacrificing your own life would save the lives of a specific number of strangers, how many strangers would need to be saved for you to sacrifice your own life? What if the people were friends? How about family?
No question - yes I would. But even though I have never been in the military, that's part of the reason many enrol.

17. July 17 is "World Emoji Day". Do you use emojis?
A few, here and there in WhatsApp messages ... but really that's about all

And, for the observant, yes I ave done Monday as well as it's a long shift at work.

Hope you are all having a good weekend.  Will try to catch up with you all later, but if not, see you Tuesday xx

baby, weather, toni, daily meme, lily, friends

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