Jun 18, 2022 10:42
Yes, we have had a lovely hot sunny week of weather here, now overcast with an occasional shower ... typical for a normal working week!
However as it trns out I am OK, as I had Wednesday off in the sunshine and working this afternoon!
I have a bit of shopping to do, and even some housework to do for this morning, so I shall see how much I get done.
Sadly I won't get to catch up with you all as I am on a slightly longer than normal shift, and won't be home until 9pm. But will catch up with you at some point. I made a real concerted effort at the beginning of the week ... then ... life!!!! So I shall try again next week! But before I go -
18. Do you have a favourite accessory (excluding anything you wear regularly e.g. wedding band, watch, etc.)?
Before Jiffy died I had a red scarf/pashmina thingy that is red with white Westies on (Auntie Mary bought it for me), that I wore a lot, but realise that it has hung on my coat rack ever since. I do have an assortment of similar wrap-things, which I swap around though
19. What was peaceful about today?
Well tomorrow, as it should be, I shall enjoy the peace of the Church service. Today I am aiming to have shortish time of reading between now and heading out to work.
Well that's me saying "Bye" until Monday ... hope you all have a good weekend x
daily meme