I Know You Shouldn't Judge ... But ...

Apr 09, 2022 14:39

As I type this I have washing on the line, and in a moment I shall be doing some ironing.  Although to be honest I have a pair of jeans that need it, and a skirt and my uniform that really need smoothing as they are not too bad, just not smart enough for me.

And this is where I am having the problem - this week the tranee has been wearing uniforms that are so, so creased ... they would not, due to the material, look as bad if she had slept in them..  I mentioned it day #1, and her answer was that she didn't own an iron.  Apparently (I heard from a colleague on Friday) that everyone had asked/told her about it, all week, and that had been her answer.  I am sorry, but a cheep iron is not expensive ... or she could have asked to borrow one from one of us.  But, no, she has worn crumpled/creased clothes all week.  Yes, it's uniform policy to iron, but for me, it is a case of looking smart ... personal pride.

So, sorry, but I had to bite my tongue all week, so needed to rant!

Sorry, as well that I didn't check in yesterday - as it turned out the clinic went well.  However I had a sports massage booked, and it was an earlier time than I had thought.  After treatment (on my shoulders/neck) I don't tend to turn on the pc, so had to miss another day here.  So I am ctching up, and then heading off with a farewell ... to see you all next week.  But, as ever -

8. Are you an organized person? What techniques and tools do you use to keep yourself organized?
No - and NO, and NO

9. How quickly do you adapt to new technology?
I don't often use much - but do like being on the pc, and have learnt about Kindles, and the icon making ... that's the limit of the new technology in my life

10. What scrambles your brain every time you think about it?
How mucch of my hobbies/housework etc needs to be done. However much I do, there is always a lot more added to the bottom of the "to do" list.

Well - Happy Palm Sunday tomorrow ... see you Monday xx

easter, work, daily meme, washing

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