Monday Again

Mar 28, 2022 15:00

How do the days go past so rapidly?

Anyway I come bearing photos ... I told you that last week Tim, Claire and I celebrated Mum & Dad's 70th Anniversary ... and yes, it was lovely, and we have photos to show for it.

Yesterday at Church there were more empty seats than normal ... I think that not everyone decided to set their alarm clocks, as we were up an hour earlier than the previous day.  As there are 2 services at our Church it meant they could go to the later service.  We were all given a small posy of flowers to celebrate Mothering Sunday, so that is nice to have the daffs on my coffee table ... they are such a bright & cheery flower, aren't they?

Today the clinic went well.  I suppose it helped that the twit girl I am training is off this week, and we had a no-show.  So in the end I was home slightly early.  One of the patients spoke very little  English and yes, we managed to get the tests done correctly, but we did point out to him that when he saw the consultant it would be good to have an interpreter.  I really am not complaining as I have enough problems with English ... and it's my only language!

Now I am here, catching up ... and will try and catch up with your past posts and comments, however need to get to the shops before I fully settle down.  But, as ever, a catch-up -

28. When dining out, have you ever complained about a meal, or sent your order back to the kitchen?
Although a couple of times I have left literally a penny as a tip as the service was so bad.

Right, I must get to the shops then catch up with you all a bit later.

church, tim and claire, spring, work, daily meme, mum and dad

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