Christmas Has Arrived - It's Official

Dec 08, 2021 15:26

From the year that Slade released Merry Xmas Everyone in 1973 (when I was in my second year at senior school), I loved it ... and still do.  Since then, every year the first time I heard this song it makes me think of Christmas.  So, this morning just after my alarm clock went off, this was the song on the radio

Mum and Dad used to tease me about it, and so it makes me smile for 2 reasons

image Click to view

Work today was OK, although one of the patients felt he was 100% and couldn't see what the point of having the appointment was ... so to hear that he would be hearing from the consultant for a further appointment.  As always there are people who are not well, yet feel things are great ... others are pretty "OK" and yet complain about things.  people are odd!

Oh well, at least today is dry at present, so I may do a short walk to try to inspire myself to do some housework when I get back, or maybe it will mean I am too tired, and have the perfect excuse not to do some cleaning!!

As ever, before I go -

8. What is an unusual item you or somebody you know owns?
Ummm - what's unusual for you, might not be for you!
I suppose some people would find it odd that I have  a human skull on my lounge cabinet (it used to live on my bedside table)   His name is Charlie, in case you are interested

christmas, you tube, work, daily meme

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