Oct 29, 2021 10:45
Yes, I had a day off work yesterday. The clinics are running OK, but both physiologists had to be off work due to other things, so I organised to meet Christine and re-visit another National Trust property. I had originally planned to meet up with Brenda, but she and Nick were visiting Auntie Joyce, so a day out seemed a good plan!
We had a great time - a lovely old house, some great walks ... but the choice of hot food was a sausage roll or a curried cauliflower pasty. So, it was a sausage roll. When we had afternoon tea it was a choice of about 4 different chocolate bars! Not impressed, but at least there was something to eat, so not healthy, but I didn't starve! Christine pays for the food, as her entrance is covered on my lifetime membership and I do the driving; so long journey, short journey, we both hope it balances up at the end of the year!
So, I have photos to share ... or I will when I have sorted them out!
I have already done some housework today, and this afternoon I am going to the supermarket to re-stock the freezer. Over the last couple of months I have slowly emptied and sorted out the storage, so time to re-stock.
Right, photos are calling, but will finish this with -
28. Do you add unnecessary letters to the end of words?
Not at the end, but I am an Essex girl and we add letters in the middle of words ... for example, I lived near Romford, but I would call it Rompford, etc
29. What was the last thing you used your phone for, besides calling/texting?
Ummm nothing - that's all I use my phone for
day trip,
daily meme,