2 Days, As I Won't Be Posting Tomorrow

Jan 09, 2021 12:14

I am actually doing 2 days of the daily-meme, as I won't be posting tomorrow.

I have always tried to "Keep Sundays Special" and I am going to try to keep away from the computer on Sundays. It's always been something I have tried to maintain, but I think with lockdown I have got a lot tougher on myself ... all days tend to blend together, so by keeping my Sundays different I will be keeping the 4th Commandment, as well as actually knowing which day of the week I am on!!

9. What makes you suspicious of other people?

I do sometimes wonder if some people are too good to be true. However the real answer is that I mostly just get nervy as I say Hello ... First impressions usually stick for me

10. Do you enjoy dystopian future books/movies?

Well I have always thought that I learn things from friends on LJ, but in this case I had to look up the description ... Thanks Wikepedia ... and I thave only seen a few on the list -
Batman, Farenehit 451, 1984, Time Machine
As my previous post today said I love StarTrek, and Star Wars ... but I suppose I mostly like future fics where life is better ... although, maybe that's the same for all stories, past/present/future ... I like a happy ending!

bible, daily meme

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