It Seems As If I Am Fated To Be Absent!

Oct 27, 2019 14:48

I am really popping in to again say that however much I had aimed to be more pro-active on-line, I have failed .... 200%

I am still doing the extra shifts at work, which helps pay bills, however this week I was sent home Wednesday after lunch, and told to not come in until the new week.  I was shattered.  I am presuming it is some form of flare-up of my CFS, but have been a good girl and spoken to my doctor, and am having blood tests, etc, next week.  So the last few days have been 12+ hours asleep, and feeling a bit more relaxed.

I suppose it hasn't helped that Jiffy has had a few days when he either hasn't wanted to walk, of like today has walked most of his normal Sunday walk but at a very, very slow pace.  I can't believe he is now 13 1/2 .... where have those years gone?  the lucky thing is that even when I go to bed at 8.30 he is more than happy ... he loves a good long sleep (and wasn't at all fazed by the extra hour in bed today)

This coming Wednesday we are back off to Auntie Joyce's .... at least this time we are spending a few days there ... so at least I don't have the 550 mile drive to do in the day like I did when she was in hospital!!  She is moaning as much as ever ... but there again Dad had to put up with that all his life, so can't really complain, can I?  She is independant, but can't seem to accept how lucky she is to be like that.  She has spent the last 3 years saying she wants to go in a home, yet the twice she has been in for respite she left early as she hated it!!  Oh well - we shall see what the week brings.

Then the following week I am off to London for Remembrance again ... so am looking forward to that break, and in fact yesterday I actually started looking into new places to discover.

I know I haven't shared photos from the holiday ... but there again I haven't even finished sorting them.  I also haven't done any icons at all recently.

Last Saturday I met up with Brenda at a National Trust property and had a super time.  It was good to catch up with her, and family news, although we do speak every 10 days or so on the phone.  I haven't seen Claire since mid June (sad as we live only a mile apart) ... they are always "busy" ..... As to Nick & Tim, i don't have contact with them ... that has (and still is) very hard to accept, but I must remember that it is their choice

Well that's me up to date - I am going to disable comments as I will never get the time to reply.

Hope all is well with you, and hopefully by mid Novemember I shall have more time and less fatigue

rl, work, chronic fatigue syndrome, family, jiffy, brothers, claire, brenda, auntie joyce, london

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