Having just got a chance to catch up with my posts I realise that I have missed 4 days! OOoooops
I have been tired trying to get organised for Christmas - I am seeing all the family tomorrow, so wanted to get the shopping finished in time. Music rehearsals are going well for the Carol Service although I am not practicing as much as I should (naughty girl). I have most of my decs up, and am not 100% pleased with my efforts, but glad I have done it ... I will take some photos at some point next week (promise). I have had to work this afternoon, as one of the Clerical Staff decided that filing was "beneath them". Ironically, as they are like me, on Staff Bank, they won't be re-hired!!
Anyway - let's get the meme done.
December 11 → talk about volunteering/charity this year.
Does playing in the Carol Service concert count?
I support quite a few charities ... and one that I have supported for years have a special time this Autumn.
SASRA is a missionary group working with the Army & Air Force. This August - November 11th, they did a special prayer celebration to remember the last 100 days of WWI (which was a unique time during the war). We were all asked to pick a day to really focus on them, and their work (for no specific reason I chose Oct 2nd).
December 12 → talk about this year in medical news
I have battled with my tiredness, and some depression, but did come off my anti-depressants as I know why I needed them, and had hoped I could cope without them. I am fighting "up" at present, but I promise to re-assess myself in the New Year (just in case)
December 13 → talk about hobbies this year
Ooooops, I have been a bit lazy!
I have however done some icons, and a few jigsaws, so that has been fun.
December 14 → something that made you proud this year
That I have handled learning 2 new computer systems for work (I have one more to go though, which is the hardest!)
Well, I'm back up to date. Will try to be better for the rest of the month(/year)