December Meme ... Day 26 & 27

Dec 27, 2016 15:53

Day 26 → talk about politics or current events this year

I always vote, whatever the year, and although I have never said I suppose a few people have guessed which side of the government I vote for.

I was very surprised about Brexit - but was also upset that some people wanted a second vote, as I thought that whatever a result, then we would deal with the result. I was incredibly saddened by the hatred that sprung up, as well. Whatever my politics, I have friends from all strands of the government ... no one should have to be murdered (as Jo Cox was), just because we have a difference of opinion.

I am not greatly involved in politics watching - Dad was though. However, again, if that's your choice, I am happy for you.

Day 27 → 3 goals for next year

Well I joined the gym a couple of months ago, so I should have waited and then that could have been #1!!!   Anyway, here are a couple of thoughts
  • Get back to photography
  • Do some more fan-fic writing
  • Practice my clarinet regularily
So, hopefully this time next year I will be able to report back!!

fan fic, december meme, clarinet, politics, photos

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