A Couple Of The Photo Meme Answers

Oct 23, 2016 17:08

kazzy_cee asked me - Can I have a photo of your favourite shoes?

I am not really a shoe person - to me a pair just need to be comfy ... my shoes I wear to Church may have a 4" heel, but they are still comfy!  However I do love these shoes ... I bought them last week to wear next Spring with jeans ... flowers ans sequins, what's not to like!!!

Can't wait for the spring to come )

meme, jiffy, camera, garden, photos, home

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Comments 8

thenewbuzwuzz October 23 2016, 17:21:05 UTC
Looks nice! Are you sure it's October where you live? :D
I'm with you - the only good shoe is a comfy shoe, and flowers make most things better. ^^


debris4spike October 25 2016, 09:14:17 UTC
LOL - we have had a lovely September/October, so yes, that's what everything looks like. Leaves are beginning to turn and fall now.

Flowers, and sequins, make them even better!


kazzy_cee October 23 2016, 18:56:45 UTC
Love those shoes! Comfy and fun!!


debris4spike October 25 2016, 09:15:29 UTC
They are great - can't wait for Spring to have an excuse to wear them ... I suppose I could use them at the gym!!


double_dutchess October 23 2016, 23:43:09 UTC
Very nice shoes! And I like your little squirrel :-)


debris4spike October 25 2016, 09:17:06 UTC
Thanks - The squirrel was something I bought for Mum & Dad and she loved it so much she kept it indoors near the seat she used to sit in.


spikereader October 24 2016, 14:55:28 UTC
What a pretty street you live in - and I love your pink patio furniture.

Nice shoes too :)


debris4spike October 25 2016, 09:18:44 UTC
That was one thing I got round to doing this summer, and decided with so much wood I needed a colour - the hardest bit was deciding on the colour as there were so many varieties.

Those shoes are fun, aren't they?


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