A Couple Of The Photo Meme Answers

Oct 23, 2016 17:08

kazzy_cee asked me - Can I have a photo of your favourite shoes?

I am not really a shoe person - to me a pair just need to be comfy ... my shoes I wear to Church may have a 4" heel, but they are still comfy!  However I do love these shoes ... I bought them last week to wear next Spring with jeans ... flowers ans sequins, what's not to like!!!

thenewbuzwuzz asked me - How about the view from your window(s) or something you can see from there?
She also asked me about my fence paintwork ... so can cover both answers.

My kitchen is at the back of the house, so I look out on the garden.  Come the spring I shall look at sorting out some of the tubs to get more flowers.

View from the kitchen door

Kitchen window, and patio doors ... with Jiffy just having walked up the steps

The Front

Looking to the right, you can see where the chip shop is

Looking to the left, the greenery to the left is the edge of the hospital property.   Proving it is my door, as this is the top of my car (and my bins!!)

meme, jiffy, camera, garden, photos, home

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